Dr Jim Everett is the recipient of an APS Rising Star Award

Dr Jim Everett -recipient of the 2021 Leverhulme Prize

Dr Jim Everett has received the Rising Star Award from the Association for Psychological Science. “This is a huge honor” Professor Ayse Uskul, who nominated Dr Everett, told us.

The APS Rising Star designation is presented to outstanding APS members in the earliest stages of their research career post-PhD who are conducting exciting work -recognition for the field’s newest researchers,  whose innovative work has already advanced the field and signals great potential for their continued contributions.

“The Association for Psychological Science’s APS Rising Star award is given each year to an elite group of early-career researchers around the world.  We are proud and delighted that our colleague Jim Everett is among them.” Professor Robbie Sutton Head of School told us “He is already acknowledged as a world leader in the psychology of moral reasoning, having contributed new insights into how people judge acts as morally right or wrong, the moral principles that govern people’s decisions, the trust people place in each other and in artificial intelligence (AI) systems, and speciesism -the new study of how people devalue animals as beings of little moral standing.  As well as being a fine researcher and valued member of our stellar international team of social psychologists, he is a much-loved and appreciated colleague and outstanding teacher.”

We caught up with Dr Everett to hear his reaction to the news.

“I’m incredibly honoured to be a recipient of this award, following in the footsteps of some of my most admired scholars in the field. While it’s always going to be wonderful to receive an award like this, I’m keen to point out that this is not something that “I” have achieved alone. I am grateful to all my mentors, colleagues, and family who have supported me so far – any awards that I get individually are always a reflection of the support, mentoring, and guidance I have received. Science is fundamentally collaborative, even if I’m a “Rising Star”, what really counts is the whole shining Galaxy.”

The complete list of new Rising Stars will appear in an upcoming issues of the APS Observer as well as on APS’s website.

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