Be curious. Be kind to yourself and others. Education is a right and a privilege. Read often, widely and search out diverse writers and thinkers. Find friends who don’t take themselves too seriously. Life is not an algorithm – listen, learn, love and use your voice, the world needs you!
Many students have passed through Kent but what are they up to now? In the After Kent series, we talk to Tom Spare about his journey After Kent. Tom studied a BA in Politics between 2010 to 2013.
What do you miss the most about studying Politics at Kent?
I miss the spontaneity of student life, the chance encounters on campus, the lively discussion before a seminar or lecture. I miss the proximity to high-quality political research, teaching and learning. Most of all, I miss the people. My classmates, the POLIR office staff and lecturers.
What are you up to now?
I work at Cardiff University as an Executive Officer (Transition and Engagement). My primary focus is on the transition into university. I run welcome events and airport collections for international students. I support vulnerable learners such as veterans and create content for Online Orientation for all new students.
How has studying Politics at Kent prepared you for the future/current position?
Along with the essential skills that any worker needs, my degree taught me about leadership, communication, seeing the bigger picture, staying informed and thinking strategically. These are the skills that employers look for and these are the skills that have helped me find stimulating, challenging roles.
What advice would you give potential/current Politics students?
Be curious. Be kind to yourself and others. Education is a right and a privilege. Read often, widely and search out diverse writers and thinkers. Find friends who don’t take themselves too seriously. Life is not an algorithm – listen, learn, love and use your voice, the world needs you!
What do you plan to do in the future?
I am happy in the Higher Education sector. In the medium-term, I want to try a career in local or central Government. In the long-term? I want to be a screenwriter. Over lockdown, I wrote a TV pilot. It was a transformative and torturous experience, but I loved every moment!
If you are a POLIR alumni and studied either an undergraduate, postgraduate or PhD degree with us and would like to share your story, contact us, we would love to hear from you!