FAQ list
Yes. Students under the age of 18 are able to apply for accommodation in the same way as any other student. If your child wishes to be co-located in accommodation with other students under the age of 18, this can be requested in their accommodation application.
The University will ensure that students under the age of 18 will only be accommodated in University owned and managed accommodation.
Yes. Students aged 16 and 17 are able to enter into contracts for accommodation. However, we ask that if your child will be aged 16 or 17 on the date when they are due to move into their accommodation, that you counter-sign their accommodation contract.
This means their contract cannot be completed online. A contract will be issued to them via email which will need to be signed by both them and yourself and then returned to the University.
The Accommodation Office has developed and implemented robust procedures, which have been adapted from the University’s Safeguarding and Duty of Care Policy to provide support and a procedure to report incidents or concerns staff may have about residents under the age of 18.
Relevant staff working in Student Accommodation have completed the Government’s Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks. In addition they have received training and advice on how to support all residents, in particular, those who are under 18 years of age.
Wherever possible, accommodation staff will have contact with under 18 year old residents in an open environment, avoiding situations in which an adult and an individual child or young person are alone. If staff are required to visit an under 18 resident in their study bedroom to carry out a repair, they will do this with a colleague rather than on their own.
It is illegal for someone under 18 to attempt to buy alcohol or to be sold alcohol or to consume alcohol in relevant premises. It is also illegal to sell tobacco products to someone under 18.
The University will take reasonable steps to seek to ensure that the law is not broken in this way but cannot undertake to supervise any individual student.
Students can be asked by bar staff to provide proof of age when attempting to purchase alcohol at a University bar.
The University is not able to take on the usual rights, responsibilities and authority that parents/supporters have in relation to a child and it will not act ‘in loco parentis’ in relation to students who are under 18 years of age.
While it is predominantly an adult environment, the University does recognise that it interacts with children in various ways, including on occasions, its own students. The University therefore has in place a Safeguarding and Duty of Care Policy to help make relevant staff aware of the issues and risks of working with children and to provide guidance. The Policy also includes procedures that should be followed in the event that a member of staff has safeguarding concerns about a child.
UK law on data protection means that the University is not permitted to give information about its students to third parties (including parents), without the student’s explicit consent. This applies even when the student is under 18 years of age.
However, parents/supporters will be contacted in case of emergency and for this reason it is important that your child ensures that the University has up to date contact information.
Under UK law, a child between 16 and 18 years can give valid consent to medical treatment. Should a child refuse emergency treatment, a parent or person with parental responsibility can give such consent on behalf of the child. However, a parent or person with parental responsibility cannot overturn consent validly given by a child.
If a medical emergency requires action before parents or guardians can be contacted, the University will act on medical advice and do what is considered to be in the best interests of the child. Parents and students should notify the University of any medical procedures that they would not consent to or which may be prohibited by their customs or religion.
Yes. Students under the age of 18 years have a different status under the health and safety legislation (as “young persons”) but, in most cases, if your child is under 18 they will still be able to undertake the same work as if they were over 18 because, in all cases, the health and safety risks will be assessed and controlled regardless of the age of the students.
There is a requirement for the University health and risk assessments to take into account that the student is under 18 years of age, and in some cases to provide additional control measures. In these circumstances, the findings of risk assessments may be shared with parents or guardians. In a very limited number of circumstances, there are prohibitions or limits on exposure to certain specific risks (for example, relating to exposure to carcinogens, or some specific exposures to radiation).
In general, where it is appropriate for occupational health provision to be extended to students (for example, health screening prior to working in certain laboratories), this provision will automatically be extended to students under the age of 18. There may be a requirement for parents and guardians to provide medical consent for some occupational health testing or services.
Kent Union and GK Unions offer more than 200 groups and societies, so there's something for everyone and all students are encouraged to join in and get involved, regardless of age.
However, if your son or daughter is under the age of 18, they will not be able to hold office until after their 18th birthday because some positions carry legal responsibilities. Participation in some activities may also be limited.
Risk assessments are carried out before all field trips and provision is made for inclusion of under 18s where possible. Participation in some activities may be limited.
The Student Support and Wellbeing Service is available for all students to use, regardless of age. Our Wellbeing Advisers, mentors and counsellors are able to offer confidential support and advice.
Staff are not permitted to disclose names/details of students who contact them for support. This applies to all students, including those under 18.