Supporting the District Local Plan to 2040

Press Office
Canterbury campus

Local planning authorities like Canterbury City Council are required by the government to provide a long-term Local Plan that sets how they will meet the district’s needs into the future. The government dictates local plans need to be reviewed every five years and has set a deadline of 30 June 2025 for the district’s next plan to 2040 to be submitted.

Using feedback from their previous plans and consultations, the Council’s current draft plan proposes to allocate land for new homes, jobs, new schools, a new hospital and community uses. It also seeks to put in place new rules designed to dictate the quality and density of developments, boost biodiversity, protect valued open spaces over the long term and to ensure any new development minimises its contribution to climate change while also mitigating against its effects.

University of Kent submission

As part of this, we have been pleased to submit our own contribution which focuses on freeing up land to the north of our campus for the development of a new freestanding settlement of around 2,000 homes. Like many areas of the UK, Canterbury has a critical need for more housing stock for current and future generations – we have a responsibility to support this where we can, with our allocation allowing under-utilised land on our estate to be put forward to the wider benefit of the area.

Balancing the need for more housing with respecting and protecting the environment has been central to our submission and we would not have put the land forward if we were not confident that any potential development can meet the highest environmental standards. This includes measures to ensure a net biodiversity gain through the proposal and on-site renewable energy generation to ensure the development is carbon efficient.

We have also carefully considered wider infrastructural needs, with the proposed new homes supported by improved road networks, public transport and pedestrian/cycling routes. More widely the proposal would enable us to generate funding for further investment in our core educational offer at a time when sector finances are severely stretched.

Sharing your views with the Council

The planning process is at a very early stage, with Canterbury City Council overseeing a wide-ranging consultation before they decide on the final draft of the local plan. You can provide your feedback by completing their questionnaire by 5pm on Monday 3 June 2024. Further information is available on the Canterbury City Council website.