Top Tips for Virtual Open Day

Sam Wood
Group of students talking, relaxing and sitting on sofa in the Student Hub

In the build-up to its first ever Undergraduate Virtual Open Day on Saturday 4 July, the University has the following advice for all those who will be participating in such an event.

Traditionally, Open Days enable those who are considering full- or part-time degrees at a particular university to learn more about student life at that university, student finance, the UCAS process, accommodation choices, career prospects and employability.

However, due to current social distancing and travel restrictions, Kent has moved its Open Day online, running from 10am – 2pm on the University’s website, so the experience is now different from how it has ever been before, requiring simply logging in. But what do you need to prepare for?

University of Kent Student Rep Connie Lowman has provided us with her Top Tips for attending a Virtual Open Day.

  • Get researching. Do a little research beforehand to investigate which university has the courses you’re interested in, to help find the Virtual Open Days for you and your ambitions. Some institutions have yet to move into Virtual Open Days, so bear this in mind when listing potential visits.
  • Invite the family. Your parents and guardians can provide vital insights either from their own experiences or based on how well they know you. They can remind you to ask those crucial questions about fees and accommodation, as well as career options. All will be welcome.
  • A pad of paper and pen. When the reality of the variety of options open to you at university becomes clear, you’ll definitely have questions for your University Rep, who you can speak with via Live-Chat on the day. Jot down your thoughts and compare with other courses you’ve seen to help make the best choice for you.
  • Have your information ready. You can make discussions about the university and courses far easier if you have your information and grades to hand. This can save you time and having to rummage around in the moment. Now is the time to consider your ambitions and how you wish to spend the next few years. Devote some time to yourself and have an idea of what you’re looking for.
  • Get comfortable. You might be attending online for a couple of hours, whilst you look to do all that is available to you, from course and module introductions, to drone’s-eye-view tours of campuses. Remember to take screen-breaks, stretch and make a drink in your own kitchen.
  • Do everything, but remember what you need to do. Virtual Open Days are leaving nothing to the imagination, and there is plenty for you to explore. Course presentations, Live-Chats with current students and virtual campus tours are all essential in getting a feeling for what may be your place of study, but so is the financial and grades-side of the day. Remember to pick up the important information, which you can check on the day.
  • Stay in touch. When the day’s over, the chance to ask questions hasn’t ended too. You can get the contact details of your Reps on the day, to ask any follow-up questions you might (definitely) have.
  • Don’t do just one. Virtual Open Days are revolutionising the options for the applicants and giving access that would otherwise be impossible from the across the other side of the UK, or even the world. This opportunity for you cannot be understated, so indulge in virtually visiting other Open Days too, learning all you can to make the right choice for you on your road to university.