Students using computers

Specialist facilities

The Medway campus houses outstanding facilities for all our students. Through our connections with industry, we ensure our resources are current, helping to ensure your smooth progression to the professional world.

Exceptional resources

The School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research is home to world experts across the social sciences. Our Social Work students make use of the excellent resources in the Drill Hall Library and can also order books and journals from the Templeman Library at our Canterbury campus. 

If you are studying Social Work, you also take part in role-play sessions with volunteer service users in our purpose-built consultation rooms. These give you experience of how real-life interviews may develop. Your tutor is able to observe you discreetly, giving you feedback and support to help you to acquire the skills and expertise you need as a professional social worker.

Two social work students being filmed role-playing an interview in one of our consultation rooms

Students taking part in a 'role-play' interview in one of our consultation rooms

Laboratory skills for pharmacists

Gaining practical skills in prescribing is essential for students studying pharmacy. At the Medway School of Pharmacy, we have a range of outstanding facilities to ensure you gain the skills you need. Our industry-standard laboratories, training dispensary and mock hospital ward help you to become familiar with working in a professional environment. You also practice procedures such as inserting a drip, taking blood and examining patient responses to medication on SimMan (a patient simulator). 

Woman in lab coat working in a l

Practical experience is an integral part of our Pharmacy course

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