KAR is our institutional research repository. Its mission is to provide reliable, long-term, and open access to University of Kent research - making your research easier for everyone to find and use.
Kent Academic Repository (KAR)
The Kent Academic Repository:
- provides an official record of research works
- preserves research works digitally
- manages Open Access.
It is used for:
- reporting to external funders and governing bodies
- demonstrating compliance with community standards
- providing evidence for academic staff promotions
- feeding information to academic profile webpages
- supporting communications and marketing
- showing information about use and reach of research works.
How to use KAR
Getting started: the Manage Deposits/User Work area
When you log into KAR you are taken to your Manage Deposits area. Not all items in this area are live in KAR:
- only you can see items with the status User Work Area
- anyone can see items with the status Live Archive
From this page you can:
- create new records
- view and edit records you have already deposited.
You'll see a list of records you have deposited on KAR. This list doesn't include details of records that have been deposited by other people.
To see a full list of the records in KAR associated with your name, use the Browse function. See the searching, browsing, exporting and dashboards (pdf) guide for more help.
Ways to add records to KAR
- Use our REF Assisted Deposit Service and we'll add journal articles and published conference proceedings to KAR for you
- Add a record manually (pdf)
- Import publications using DOIs and other identifiers
- Import multiple publication details from various sources (pdf)
More things to do with KAR
Email researchsupport@kent.ac.uk
Find out all the ways you can get in touch: