Copyright and our collections

We respect copyright and related intellectual property rights of those who created the material in our collections.

Many items held by Special Collections and Archives are subject to copyright law. The copyright in digital material made available through the Special Collections & Archives online catalogue and British Cartoon Archive online catalogue is:

  • owned by University of Kent; or
  • protected by the copyright of third parties; or
  • in the public domain (which means the copyright has expired).

Public domain content is free from copyright restrictions. This means you can reproduce it or use it online without permission, but we ask that you cite our collections as the source of the material.

You can use digital material that is copyright of the University of Kent and made available via the online catalogues under the terms of the University of Kent Open Education User License.

Other material can only be used under the terms of use granted by the copyright holder, which will differ depending on the particular collection item.

For more information please read our guidance on using copyright works

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