This collection contains almost 3500 original artworks, 6600 original Flook strips, over 5000 cuttings and even a plastic Flook toy!
The collection includes work from the 1940s-1970s. It is made up of donations from the artist, material on loan from Associated Newspapers, independent donations from members of the public, and material from Punch magazine.
The collection is only partially catalogued, so please email us at if you would like more information on the collection. We also hold a selection of newspaper cuttings of Fawkes' work. These can be found on the BCA catalogue.
See our Wally Fawkes biography.
Collection in brief
Contents: Artwork, cuttings, objects
Period: 1940s-1970s
Description: 625 uncatalogued Trog originals [TR0001 - 0625], 2829 Trog originals and copies [WF0001 - 2829, some catalogued], 12 uncatalogued Trog originals [TM0001 - 0014], 1 box Trog (misc. related items), 9 uncatalogued originals [PU0345 - 0353], 5 unaccessioned original drawing (inc. Muggeridge, Colenbrander donation)
Flook: 1 folder, 6660 original Flook strips [FO0001-0390], 5068 cuttings, 1 print, 1 framed unaccessioned original, 'Rufus' strip cuttings (1969-72), Flook plastic toy, A3 photocopy of artwork for life size cut-out (WF2830), Artwork of Flook and zimmer (WF2831)