This collection is comprised of approximately 7500 artworks, illustrations, sketchbooks and rough sketches, dating from 1970-2010s. We also hold a life-size illustrated cutout of Garland which can be seen in our Reading Room. 

The collection was originally loaned to the BCA by Nicholas Garland in 1974, and has continued to be added to by the artist.

The collection is largely catalogued. We also hold a large collection of cartoon newspaper cuttings of Garland's work. These can be found on the BCA catalogue. 

See our Nicholas Garland biography.

Collection in brief

Contents: Artwork and an object.
Period: 1970-2010s
Description: 7487 originals and photocopies (NG0001 - 7487), 2 boxes unaccessioned book illustrations, 2 boxes rough sketches and unpublished works, 3 sketchbooks, 6 scrapbooks, 1 ink rough sketch (unsigned), Barry Mackenzie (with Barry Humphries - writer), 224 uncatalogued originals [BM0001 - 0224], 1 artwork of life-size cut-out of himself [NG8272]

Last updated