A collection of original artworks and cartoon strips by cartonist Arthur Horner, plus some sketches and newspaper cuttings. Included in the collection are over 2500 cuttings of the 'Colonel Pewter' comic strip.
The collection is made up of a number of donations to the University of Kent, including a gift from the artist deposited in 1976.
The collection is partially catalogued. Please email us at cartoons@kent.ac.uk if you would like more infromation about the collection.
See our Arthur Horner biography.
Collection in brief
Contents: Artwork, cuttings
Period: c.1952-1970
Description: 572 originals [AH0001 - 0572], 6 boxes uncatalogued original 'Colonel Pewter' strips [CP0001 - 0556], 11 boxes unaccessioned rough sketches (undated), 2627 Colonel Pewter cuttings, 1 uncatalogued original [PU0707]