Dr Rachel Duffy

Lecturer in Marketing Director of Studies for BSc Marketing
+44 (0)1227 824059
Dr Rachel Duffy


Having previously worked as a research associate at Imperial College’s Centre for Food Chain Research, Dr Duffy is currently a Lecturer in Marketing and a member of the Centre for Value Chain Research at Kent Business School. She is also Programme Director of Business Top-up degrees and a member of the Marketing group within the School.
Rachel graduated with a BSc in Business Studies and was awarded a PhD in Supply Chain Partnerships from Imperial College Wye, University of London. 

Research interests

Behavioural dimensions of supply chain relationships in the food industry, in particular, their implications for performance.
Recent work on organisational justice in collaboration with Sue Hornibrook and Andrew Fearne has resulted in a relationship evaluation tool used by Unilever and Oxfam in the context of sustainable sourcing of food products from developing countries. 


Rachel’s teaching contributions include the convenorship of two core undergraduate marketing modules (International Marketing and Marketing Research).


Past Supervisees

  • Febriantina Dewi: The Role of Enduring and Situational Involvement on Choice Overload
  • Melanie Felgate
  • Julie Fisher
  • Christina Donnelly
  • Stephanie Howard Wilsher
  • Fred Yamoah
  • Sarah Tetley: Why the Big 5? Understanding UK Seafood Consumer Behaviour
Last updated