- University of Kent
- Kent Business School
- People
- Dr Mona Rashidirad

Dr. Mona Rashidirad joined Kent Business School as a Senior Lecturer in International Marketing in 2022. She holds a PhD in Management from University of Kent, a MSc in IT Management from Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Iran and a BSc in Industrial Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST).
Dr. Rashidirad is a fellow in Higher Education Academy (HEA) following her completion of a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE), awarded by the University of Kent in 2012. She is also a Certified Management and Business Educator (CMBE) from Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) in the UK.
Previously, Dr. Rashidirad worked as a Senior Lecturer in Strategy at University of Brighton Business School (2013-2019) and a Lecture in Strategy and Marketing at University of Sussex Business School (2019-2022).
Dr. Rashidirad has been an active researcher since 2010, which has resulted in publishing several peer-reviewed journal papers, a number of book chapters and several conference presentations.
She has been nominated and awarded the best teacher award several times by the University of Kent (2011-2012, 2012-2013) and University of Brighton (2017-2018).
Since 2018, Dr. Rashidirad’s research has been focused on Social Media Marketing, which is one of the key strands of Digital Marketing. She takes a special interest in research that embraces social media user engagement and the way companies can improve their users’ participation on their social media platforms. In particular, she has been looking at the impact of the type and format of social media content shared by companies, differences between social media platforms and whether user attraction could be improved through user engagement.
She has published more than 20 journal articles, the majority of them have appeared in high-ranked journals including Information System Frontiers, Journal of Interactive marketin and the Journal of Production, planning and Control, which are all listed as world-leading journals according to the Chartered Association of Business School (CABS) journal ranking list. Dr. Rashidirad is also the author of several book chapters and case studies.
Dr. Rashidirad teaches Marketing Strategy and International Marketing, which introduces students to the importance of strategic thinking to marketing in the current competitive and dynamic environment.
She has been awarded two Postgraduate teaching awards by Kent Union while doing her PhD at KBS (2011-2012 and 2012-2013) and a best teaching award from University of Brighton (2017-2018).
Previously she has taught Digital Marketing and Marketing research (both UG and PG levels) at Sussex Business School. She has also taught various strategy modules such as competitive strategy, business strategy and managing environment at University of Brighton (2013-2019). Since 2012, Dr. Rashidirad has been a fellow of Higher Education Academy.
Dr. Rashidirad’s main teaching focus has been highly fitted into her research interests and has considerably empowered both her teaching and research abilities. It has been over 12 years that she has been teaching home, EU and international students at different levels, foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate at both MSc and PhD levels as well.
Her extensive teaching experience highlights her capabilities in delivering high quality lectures and seminars. The main reason is that she adopts a "research-led teaching approach" and uses (her own as well as recently published) research as an integral element in curriculum design.
Dr. Rashidirad’s teaching approach is highly informed by research. In particular, she actively uses her research findings and publications in her teaching sessions, as she believes that the best teachers are the ones are in forefront of research. Additionally, her obtained core knowledge from Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE) coupled with her teaching/learning practices enable her to view learning and professional development as a "life-long process". In fact, one of the main reasons that she chose to stay in academic context as a lecturer is continuous learning/professional development.
Dr. Rashidirad is a member of Certified Management & Business Educator (CMBE) (since 2021). She is also a fellow of Higher Education Academy (since 2012).
Since 2018, She has been the external examiner of online and distant MBA program at University of Bradford.
Her continuous and dedicated studies and research activities have been funded by several internal and external bodies, such as Iran Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Iran University of Science and Technology, Tarbiat Modares University (Iran), University of Brighton, Emerald Publishing and Santander Bank.
Dr. Rashidirad has been the session Chair and Academic Judge at several International Conferences, e.g. 19th International Conference on Strategic and Operational Management, Japan, MBAA conference, USA. She has also been the editorial board member of some journals including the Journal of Business Administration Research and the Austin Journal of Business Administration and Management. Dr. Rashidirad has also been a reviewer of several International journals including European Business Review, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management and International journal of Operations Management.
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