Professor Tri-Dung Nguyen

Professor of Business Analytics Departmental Research & Innovation Lead for Department of Analytics, Operatons & Systems
Professor Tri-Dung Nguyen


Tri-Dung Nguyen is a Professor of Business Analytics at Kent Business School. Professor Nguyen obtained a PhD in Operational Research at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US, in 2009. From 2010, he was a lecturer and then an associate professor in Operational Research and Management Science at the University of Southampton (Business School and Mathematical Sciences). Prior to that, he was a visiting research assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, US.

Professor Nguyen received a prestigious EPSRC Fellowship in Operational Research between 2017-2022 to work on large and uncertain cooperative games. His areas of expertise include Game Theory, general OR methodologies (especially Optimization under Uncertainty), and Robust Statistical Analysis among others. Professor Nguyen has published papers in a variety of top journals (e.g., Operations Research, Mathematical Programming), leading conference proceedings (e.g., Economics and Computation (EC)), and in related fields in Machine Learning and Data Science.

Professor Nguyen has worked for some financial firms (Credit Suisse, Fidelity), IT firm (Fujitsu-Siemens) and logistics firm (PSA). He has been working in large-scale projects involving people from cross disciplines, from engineers to economists and social scientists as well as stakeholders from business and industry. He has supervised a number of industrial projects for companies such as Unilever, FICO, Expedia, Virgin Atlantic Airways, Heathrow Airport, Carnival UK, etc. Professor Nguyen serves as Associate Editors for academic journals (e.g. Journal of Operational Research Society and Asia-Pacific Journal of Operations Research) and he is a member of the Research Committee of the UK Operational Research Society. Dr Nguyen is often invited to give talks and to organise sessions/streams at universities and international conferences. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 

Research interests

Professor Nguyen is interested in applying business analytics, mathematical modelling, game theory, and other operational research techniques to a wide range of real-world applications. His areas of expertise include large-scale optimisation, computational game theory, and optimisation under uncertainty. Professor Nguyen has also applied operational research to various interesting problems in robust statistical analysis, financial engineering, facility locations and transportation. 

Professor Nguyen is interested in conducting research that pushes boundaries between disciplines. For example, he has been using algebraic geometry (in pure maths) to solve combinatorial problems, especially those arising from game theory. He is also very interested in the optimisation side of Machine Learning, Data Science and AI as well as their applications. 


Professor Nguyen's teaching interests include analytics, optimisation and decision analysis.


  • Marton Benedek - Computing the nucleolus of cooperative games (recipient of the UK Operational Research Society Doctoral Award for the “Most Distinguished Body of Research leading to the Award of a Doctorate in the field of OR”)
  • Philip Le: Payoff Allocation Methods for Several Operational Research Games    
  • Fei Fang: Joint Pricing and Inventory Control for Perishable Products under Demand Uncertainty
  • Arash Gourtani: Robust and Stochastic Models for Electricity Markets
  • Shahin Abbaszadeh: Stochastic Models with Business Applications
Last updated