Our three newsrooms are open to journalism students
24 hours a day, seven days a week. They are equipped with Apple Mac workstations
running software including Adobe Creative Cloud (InDesign, Photoshop, Audition,
Illustrator, After Effects and much more); Final Cut X, and Microsoft Office suite.
We have two radio studios equipped with ISDN
lines, full mixing desks, playout facilities and telephone balancing units. Our
TV teaching studio allows students to run all aspects of a television news
production: vision mixing, autocue, sound and playout.
But newsroom culture is about much more than
equipment. It’s about thinking as a
journalist from the beginning of the day until the end.
That’s why we start each morning – as all
newsrooms do – with a news conference, examining the day’s news agenda from
different angles and perspectives, and planning how we would cover the day’s
stories for different platforms.
So as your day unfolds - whether you’re working
on assignments, practising shorthand, discussing issues in a seminar, or taking
part in a full news day – you always have the journalism output at the heart of
your thinking.
In turn, it means that when it comes to working
in a real newsroom – as you will on your guaranteed work placement – you’ll be
prepared to hit the ground running.