Training available to staff and students to raise awareness of EDI issues, and to inform you about your rights and responsibilities at the University of Kent.

For Staff

Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education (HE)

This module has been specifically designed to raise awareness of EDI issues within the HE environment and to inform staff about their rights and responsibilities. Available to all staff and mandatory to all new staff members as part of their induction. Please ensure you are using Chrome.

Promoting Inclusion 

Available for all Staff 

This Face-to Face sessions complements and builds on the content of the Diversity  and Inclusion in HE Elearning Course.

Participants will discover types of unconscious bias and loot at how to counter its effects. They will also learn techniques to help ensure people from different cultural back grounds have a positive experience at the University. It also explores and define terms within the Equality Act 2010 - Discrimination and Victimisation

Bookable via Staff Connect 

Bullying and Harassment 

Available to all staff, this session will support staff to:

  • understand more about bullying, harassment and victimisation
  • be able to identify bullying behaviour
  • understand how bullying behaviour can escalate
  • know how to handle bullying in the workplace and the actions to take

Active Bystander

A session to understand what being an Active Bystander is and the impact that it can have. This module supports the universities commitment to shaping a community the is free from bullying and harassment at work. 

This module is suitable for all staff.

Unconscious Bias Awareness

Our background and personal experiences, societal stereotypes and cultural context can have an impact on our decisions and actions without realising.

This session looks to identify unconscious biases and understand their potential for impacting on decision making and develop techniques to minimise their impact.

Available to all staff and mandatory to all new staff members as part of their induction. To access this training, follow the link and navigate to Job Skills. Use the seach modules bar to find Unconscious Bias. 

Equality Impact Analysis

Available to all staff that need to carry out Equality Impact Analysis. This module introduces the concept of Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) and explains what they are, why they’re important, what the law says and key stages of the EIA process.

Identifying and Responding to Student Mental Health Problems 

The Student Mental Health course will allow staff across the University, whatever their role, to learn useful information about student mental health and also to learn some basic skills around managing students who are presenting signs of mental ill health or are at risk. This includes appropriate signposting for additional support.

Available to all staff, in particular those with student-facing roles.

Digital Accessibility

Available to all University staff who create any kind of written and/or visual communications - this includes word/pdf documents, web content, blogs, social media posts, newsletters, posters and even emails.  

Digital Accessibility relates to making digital content and designs clear and simple enough so that most people can use them without needing to adapt them, whilst supporting those who do need adaptations to easily and effectively access these. This module will guide staff who create online content through our requirements under the new Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications Accessibility Regulations (2018).

After following the link to the training page, use the search modules bar to find Digital AccessibilityClick on the header Digital Accessibility to start the module.

LGBTQI Awareness

The LGBTQI Awareness module is now available for all staff to enrol on Staff Moodle Training.

Transgender Awareness

This Transgender Awareness module will provide information, guidance and resources relating to gender and transgender identity and how you can be an inclusive and supportive colleague. It is available for all staff to enrol via our Staff Moodle Site.

Mental Health Awareness

The mental health awareness module will provide participants with information to enable them to:

  • Understand the meaning of mental health and its impact 
  • Be aware of some of the most common mental health problems
  • Understand how people can manage and improve their mental health
  • Understand how mental health has an impact in the workplace

The module is available within Staff Moodle Training 

Targeted Leadership Training 

The T&OD Department have targeted leadership programmes for both Women and BAME staff.

Limited Funding is available for the external:

  AdvanceHE Aurora programme 

  StellarHE Programme

 contact for further information.

Nominations for the Internal Insights womens leadership programme occur at the start of each academic year.

For further information refer to the leadership and management pages.

Identifying and Responding to Student Mental Health Problems

Available to all student facing staff, including academic and professional service staff, this module aims to provide a set of guidelines on how to identify and respond to a student facing mental health issues. This modules covers 'Do's and Don'ts', example situations where the topic of mental health may arise, and a key 'Knowledge Check' section that ensures you can support students through signposting to the correct services.

This training is particularly useful to Academic Advisers and Supervisers.

You can access this module through this link.

For Students

Expect Respect

Here at Kent, we want to make sure everyone is treated with dignity and respect. The Expect Respect Module is a module for all registered students at the University of Kent, regardless of what you are studying or your level of study. It is accessible between September and June via your Moodle dashboard.

Students sat outside talking at the Canterbury campus.
Last updated