History at Kent: resources for teachers

The School of History has compiled a range of resources for teachers. It includes 13 GCSE and A Level topic areas (eight at A Level and five at GCSE).


Conflict and tension: the First World War, 1894-1918

Armistice and German Collapse exercise
Assassinations and July Crisis Info_
Assassinations in Sarajevo Exercise sheets
Balkans Activity
Bolshevik Revolution exercise
Haig and Foch exercise
Moroccan Crisis Activity
Nationalism Exercise Sheets
Nationalism Sources 
The Arms Race Activity

Crime and punishment in Britain (Whitechapel case study)

Sources and exercise Part 1
Sources and exercise Part 2
Sources and exercise Part 3

Health and the people

Grid exercise for Factors and Understanding
Source Analysis Cholera Epidemic
Source material for Factors and Understanding

Medicine through time (Western Front case study)

Battles of the Western Front Source Exercises
Impact on Medicine Exercises
The Impact of Terrain on Help for the Wounded Exercises
The Stages of Treatment for Wounded Soldiers Exercises
Weapons Wounds and Illness Exercises

Weimar and Nazi Germany

Weimar and Nazi Germany Sources and Exercises A
Weimar and Nazi Germany Sources and Exercises B
Weimar and Nazi Germany Sources and Exercises C

A level

Britain, 1930-1997

A Level Source Exam Question Churchill and his Generals Answers
A Level Source Exam Question Churchill and his Generals
A Level Source question on 1945 General Election Answers
A Level Source question on 1945 General Election
A Level Source question on Churchill and Appeasement Answers
A Level Source question on Churchill and Appeasement
Source Analysis Grid

Challenge and transformation, Britain 1851-1964

Gladstone, Disraeli and Ireland Source Exercises

Nazi Germany and the Holocaust

Historians and the Holocaust – An Overview

The German Demoratic Republic, 1949-1990

Questions for GDR Source Analysis
Sources A
Sources B
Sources C
Sources D

The Making of Modern Britain, 1951-2007

Comprehensive Schools Sources
Source Analysis Grid Answers
Source Analysis Grid
Source Analysis Toolkit

The quest for political stability, Germany 1871-1991

Exam Paper Example
Source Analysis Table for Exam Paper Example
Starter Source Exercise

Tudor rebellions

Practice Q 1
Practice Q 2
Tudor Rebellions Primary Source Table
Tudor Rebellions Source Table

War and welfare: Britain in transition, 1906-1957

Britain 1906-51 sample sources and questions

Last updated