Kent IT Account closure when you leave

When you leave your IT Account closes and you can no longer access most University files or resources.


When you leave your IT Account closes and you can no longer access most University files or resources.

What you lose access to when your student registration ends

  • On the day your student registration ends you lose access to Library e-resources
  • 60 days later you lose access most Kent IT services including email, KentVision, Moodle, Wi-Fi and most other IT systems and files including your OneDrive. You're also taken off University mailing lists including student societies
  • A year after your registration ends you will lose access to MyFolio.

Preparing to lose email and file access

Print credits

We can't give refunds for unused credits so please don't buy more than you need.  

Borrowing from the Library

You can apply for a discounted alumni library borrower membership.

Starting another course?

Your Kent IT Account and Kent email address will remain active if there's no gap between courses. If there is a gap your previous Kent IT account and email address will reactive when your new course starts.

Has your account been disabled/deleted incorrectly?

Contact Central Student Administration


The closing date for your IT Account is emailed to you.

When you leave your IT Account closes, and you can no longer access most University files or resources, such as:

  • Systems and web services like email, OneDrive, Library e-resources, Sharepoint, Teams, Moodle, Kent Vision etc
  • Membership of University mailing lists
  • Blogs: if you run or edit a Kent blog, you will lose access to it
  • Staff Connect: you will lose access to your payslips, P60s and any other employment documentation

How to prepare for your account closure

Files: if you think colleagues may need any files in your OneDrive or on the Kent network, move them to a shared area such as Teams or SharePoint.

Delete personal files saved to your OneDrive / on the Kent network. Your line manager will have access to your OneDrive from your leaving date for 30 days, at which point all files are deleted.

Pay and employment documentation: download and print  a copy of your payslips, P60s and any employment documentation you wish to keep from Staff Connect.


Account access: who to notify

If you've got an Organisational Unit (OU) Account, contact us.

For any other accounts such as Finance or KentVision, contact the department to request they close your account from your leaving date.

Is your leaving date wrong?

If your account is on annual renewal and should remain your line manager needs to contact us.

If there's a discrepancy about your leaving date, please contact HR.


Find out all the ways you can get in touch:

Last updated