Resit exams

Important information about resit exams

Where you delay an exam or assessment from May/June 2024, you will be able to undertake it at the next available opportunity (see below) under existing regulations.

Where you fail one or more of your modules in May/June 2024, you will be permitted a further attempt to pass the exam or assessment at the next available opportunity under existing regulations.

The next available opportunity for delayed and failed exams and assessments will be the resit period, which starts on 29 July 2024.

Exam formats

Resit exams will take the same format for each module as those for May/June 2024.

If your May/June 2024 exams are in person, you will be required to return to campus for in person resit exams in August 2024. If your May/June exams are taken online, this will remain the mode of delivery for the August resit exams.

Professional regulations

Please note that, in some circumstances, courses subject to professional regulation may be required to vary these exam arrangements. If your course is subject to professional regulation, your Division/School will inform you whether any variations are to be applied.

If you are on a foundation course with International Programmes, some of the following information will be different for you. International Programmes will email you ahead of results day to confirm these details.  

When are resits?

Resits usually take place in the first two weeks of August.

For 2024, resit exams will be scheduled between Monday 29 July and Friday 9 August 2024.

If your original exam was in person, your resit exam will also be in person.

Do I need to register to resit an exam?

Your exam results letter on KentVision will detail your referral method (ie exam and/or coursework). If you are required to resit exams, you will be automatically enrolled.

If you wish to resit an exam for exemption purposes, you must inform the exams team by the deadline specified in your referral letter.

You must be available in person for resits, if required. If you are not intending to attend your resit exam, whether in person or online, please inform your Divisional Programme Administration team in writing in advance.

Do I have to pay to resit an exam/resubmit coursework?

If you are referred for resit exams/resubmission of coursework from May/June 2024 exam boards, you will be liable for resit fees.

Resit fees only apply to students who are referred for reassessment with penaltyStudents who are deferred for reassessment without penalty are not liable for resit fees.

  You will be liable for resit fees even if you do not attend a resit exam or resubmit coursework. Resit fees may be waived in exceptional circumstances, providing you have submitted an extenuating circumstances request and this has been approved.  

Students on a University of Kent approved apprenticeship scheme are not required to pay resit fees.  

If you are experiencing financial hardship, please see what help is available on our financial support webpages.

How do I view my resit exam timetable?

Your resit timetable can be found on KentVision and is usually ready around a week before the resit period begins.

When will my resit results be released?

Undergraduate resit results will be released, on Thursday 5 September 2024.

Postgraduate Taught resit results will be released on Monday 14 October 2024.

We will email you when your results are ready to view in a letter on KentVision so keep an eye on your student emails on your results day.

What support is available to me?

Learning support

Our Student Learning Advisory Service (SLAS) are here to support you. They have a range of events for resitters to help you feel more confident and ready to take on your resits.

Adviser Tim from SLAS has written a blogpost all about how to prepare for resits.

Plus, you can also book a 1-1 appointment with a SLAS adviser to discuss revision skills, exam techniques or any of these topics before you resit your exam.

Wellbeing support

We know resitting your exams can be daunting, so you can get in touch with Student Support and Wellbeing if you need any wellbeing or mental health support.

For support out of office hours, take a look at our partner mental health organisations.

Living arrangements

Rooms are available on the Canterbury campus during the resit period with a promotional code for students. Check out the rooms available during resits for full information.  

Resit FAQs

Other Frequently Asked Questions about resits, such as who to speak to about extra support, what you need to do before your resits and what happens if you fail your resits, can be found in the exam results FAQs.

Last updated