Article Processing Charges (APCs)

Read and Publish agreements

The Library has Read and Publish agreements with several publishers. Some allow you to publish your articles open access without requiring further payment to the publisher. Others entitle you to a discounted open access fee / APC.

News and updates

Please see the Open Access Publishing Sharepoint site for the latest news and announcements about our agreements. This will let you know about any potential issues before you submit an article.

Please take these agreements into consideration when deciding where to publish.

If your publisher offers free APCs: follow the instructions for your publisher below. You don't need to complete a separate application.

If your publisher offers discounted APCs: you still need to apply to use APC funding.

Caution - be aware that if you are asked to provide a billing address for an open access charge, your article is not being recognised by the publisher as eligible under our agreement. Please liaise with your publisher about this. There are no library or institutional funds to pay for APCs outside of agreements, unless you are UKRI funded.

Article types

Articles, review articles, conference proceedings and case reports are usually covered by these agreements. Book reviews, letters and obituaries are not. The terms used to define publication types differ from publisher to publisher, so check the terms of the agreement outlined by your intended publisher or journal on their sites.  

Diamond and Free Open Access Publishing 

Use the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) to identify quality journals where you can publish Open Access without needing to pay an Article Processing Charge or any fees. The entry for the journal in the directory will state "no charge." Alternatively, search DOAJ by subject or publisher, and apply the "without article processing charges" filter.

American Chemical Society (ACS)

Free APCs

We're participating in JISC’s American Chemical Society Read and Publish agreement 2022-24.

This provides unlimited open access for University of Kent corresponding authors publishing in all ACS journals.

Journals covered by the agreement

All ACS journals are covered by the agreement.

What you need to do:

  • As the submitting corresponding author, select University of Kent from the dropdown box in Paragon Plus and use your Kent email address
  • Confirm that your University of Kent affiliation is stated in the body of your manuscript
  • Follow the steps outlined in ACS’ How to Publish Open Access for authors covered under a Read and Publish agreement webpage.
  • The Library will receive notification that an article is waiting for approval
  • Once approved, the article will be made open with a CC-BY license

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Free APCs

We're participating in JISC’s American Institute of Physics (AIP) Read and Publish agreement 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025. A UK-wide cap of 500 articles has been set for the sector.

Journals covered by the agreement

All of AIP’s hybrid journal titles

Journals not covered by the agreement

Gold Open Access journals:

  • AIP Advances
  • APL Bioengineering
  • APL Energy
  • APL Machine Learning
  • APL Materials
  • APL Photonics
  • APL Quantum
  • International Journal of Fluid Engineering
  • JASA Express Letters
  • Structural Dynamics
  • Matter and Radiation at Extremes
  • Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering

What you need to do:

  • Follow the instructions on AIP’s author guidelines webpage where you can also view a demonstration of the submission process
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

American Physical Society

Free APCs

We’re participating in JISC’s American Physical Society Read and Publish agreement from 2024-2025.

More information can be found on the American Physical Society webpage.

This provides unlimited publishing in all 9 hybrid Physical Review journals:

  • Physical Review Letters (PRL)
  • Physical Review A (PRA)
  • Physical Review B (PRB)
  • Physical Review C (PRC)
  • Physical Review D (PRD)
  • Physical Review E (PRE)
  • Physical Review Applied (PRApplied)
  • Physical Review Fluids (PRFluids)
  • Physical Review Materials (PRMaterials)

Gold Open Access journals are not included in the agreement. They are listed on this  Americal Physical Society webpage as ‘non-participating journals’   

What you need to do:

  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CCBY licence

 You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

American Physiological Society

Free APCs

We're participating in JISC’s American Physiological Society Read and Publish agreement 2023-24.

This provides unlimited open access for University of Kent corresponding authors publishing in the Society’s hybrid titles. 

Journals covered by the agreement

American Journal of Physiology:

  • Cell Physiology
  • Endocrinology and Metabolism
  • Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
  • Heart and Circulatory Physiology
  • Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology
  • Regulatory, Integrative & Comparative Physiology
  • Renal Physiology

Also covered:

  • Journal of Applied Physiology, Journal of NeurophysiologyPhysiological GenomicsPhysiological Reviews, and Physiology

  What you need to do:

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

American Psychological Association (APA)

Free APCs

We're participating in JISC’s American Psychological Association (APA) Open Access Publishing Pilot agreement 1st August 2023 - 31st July 2024.

Journals covered by the agreement

This provides unlimited open access for University of Kent corresponding authors publishing in 87 APA hybrid journal titles in the PsycArticles portfolio and 15 hybrid Hogrefe journal titles.

Journals not covered by the agreement

APCs for articles in these three pure Gold Open Access journals are not covered by the agreement:

  • European Journal of Psychology Open
  • Psychological Test Adaptation and Development
  • Sports Psychiatry: Journal of Sports and Exercise Psychiatry

However, a 25% discount is available. If you want to publish in these journals you'll need to apply for APC funding.

What you need to do:

  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CCBY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Annual Reviews

The content for all 51 Annual Reviews journals is invited. They don't accept submitted articles and they do not use an APC model. 

If you are invited to publish in any of their Subscribe to Open journals, your article will be Open Access.

Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)

Free APCs

We're participating in the JISC negotiated ACM Open Journals 2023-2025 agreement.

This provides unlimited open access for University of Kent corresponding authors publishing in all ACM’s journals, magazines and conferences proceedings. 

Journals covered by the agreement

ACM journals, magazines and conference proceedings series. See ACM Publications Eligible for Open Access Publishing Under ACM OPEN.

The conference proceedings titles are not included in our Read and Publish journal search. 

What you need to do:

From the submission stage onwards

  • ensure that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • publish under a CCBY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.    


Under the Berghahn Open Anthro subscribe-to-open model, corresponding authors at any university can publish Open Access in several journals without needing to pay an APC. The costs of publishing and maintaining titles as Open Access are covered by the subscription revenues from the participating libraries. The journal titles covered by this model can alter because it is reliant on sufficient numbers of libraries contributing to cover the Open Access costs.

These titles will not appear in our Read and Publish journal search. You will need to check the Directory of Open Access Journals. 

Bristol University Press

Free APCs

We're participating in JISC’s BUP Journals Collection Read and Publish Agreement 2022 - 2024.

Journals covered by the agreement

All Bristol University Press/Policy Press hybrid journal titles. These are detailed in the "Which journals can I publish in?" section at the bottom of BUP read and publish FAQ page.

What you need to do:

  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CCBY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

British Medical Journal (BMJ)

Free APCs

We're participating in JISC’s BMJ Read and Publish Pilot agreement 2023-24.

This provides unlimited open access for University of Kent corresponding authors publishing in 34 BMJ hybrid titles plus 23 Gold Open Access Journals.

What you need to do:

  • follow BMJ’s Information for authors
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible
  • use a CCBY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Free APCs

We're participating in Jisc’s read and publish agreement with Cambridge University Press, for articles accepted for publication between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2024.

Journals covered by the agreement

Hybrid and fully Gold Open Access journal titles. See our Read and Publish Journal Search.

What you need to do:

  • Use the How to publish Open Access under this agreement section on CUP’s webpage:
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement.
  • use a CCBY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Company of Biologists

Free APCs

We are participating in JISC’s Company of Biologists ‘Read & Publish’ Transitional Agreement 2022-2024.

Journals covered by the agreement

Three hybrid journals: Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology.
Two Open access journals: Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open.

What you need to do:

  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement.
  • use a CCBY licence
  • Follow the Company of Biologist’s step by step guide for authors

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.


Free and discounted APCs

We're participating in JISC’s Read and Publish agreement with Elsevier. This provides unlimited open access for University of Kent corresponding authors publishing in most hybrid journals. The deal is in place for articles accepted from 1 January 2022 until 31 December 2024. In addition, University of Kent corresponding authors publishing in Elsevier's fully gold open access journals will receive a 15% discount on an APC.

Journals covered by the agreement

Participating hybrid journals, including Cell Press and the Lancet. You can use Elsevier’s checking tool to see which titles are covered. 

  • Cell Press: When publishing in eligible hybrid Cell Press journals, review articles and short survey article types are not eligible
  • The Lancet: When publishing in eligible journals from The Lancet, full length articles are the only eligible article type.

Journals not covered by the agreement

APCs for articles in Elsevier’s Gold Open Access journals aren't covered, but a 15% discount is available. If you want to publish in these journals you'll need to apply for APC funding.

What you need to do:

  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement.
  • use a CCBY licence
  • Follow the instructions on Elsevier’s page

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.


Emerald does not operate under a Read and Publish agreement model.

Instead, Emerald’s Green Open Access policy allows you to make your Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) openly and immediately available in KAR with no embargo from the date of first online publication.

Journals not covered by the agreement 

Gold Open Access journals require payment of an APC. If you wish to publish in these journals you will need to apply for APC funding.

What you need to do: 

  • Insert this text into your AAM:
    This author accepted manuscript is deposited under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC) licence. This means that anyone may distribute, adapt, and build upon the work for non-commercial purposes, subject to full attribution. If you wish to use this manuscript for commercial purposes, please contact"
  • Use the REF Assisted Deposit Service to send us your AAM
  • Keep the AAM under embargo with access restricted until first official online publication on Emerald’s site 
  • Use a CC BY NC licence


Journals are covered under the Wiley agreement.

Follow the instructions from Wiley to find out what you need to do.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

A Read and Publish agreement with IEEE does not exist. 

If you are UKRI or Wellcome funded

For articles in hybrid journals, IEEE allow you to make your Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) openly and immediately available in the Kent Academic Repository (KAR) with no embargo from the date of first online publication. This allows you to comply with UKRI and Wellcome requirements.

What you need to do: 

  • Insert this text into your AAM: ‘For the purpose of open access, the author(s) has applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence (where permitted by UKRI, ‘Open Government Licence’ or ‘Creative Commons Attribution No-derivatives (CC BY-ND) licence’ may be stated instead) to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising’
  • Send a request to IEEE’s Intellectual Property Rights group at as soon as the article is accepted stating that you intend to make the AAM available upon publication
  • Use the REF Assisted Deposit Service to send us your AAM
  • Keep the AAM under embargo with access restricted until first official online publication on IEEE’s site
  • Use a CC BY licence

If you are not funded by UKRI or Wellcome

For articles in hybrid journals IEEE allow you to make your Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) openly and immediately available in the Kent Academic Repository (KAR) with no embargo from the date of first online publication.

What you need to do: 

  • Insert this text into your AAM: “© 20XX IEEE.  Personal use of this material is permitted.  Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works
  • Use the REF Assisted Deposit Service to send us your AAM
  • Keep the AAM under embargo with access restricted until first official online publication on IEEE’s site

See IEEE’s Post-publication policies for further details.  

Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

IET is now part of the Wiley Read and Publish agreement. Please follow the Wiley instructions for a free APC.

Institute of Physics (IoP)

Free APCs

We're participating in the IoP agreement 2024-2025 under which you can publish Open Access in the majority of IOP’s hybrid journals without needing to acquire separate funding.

Journals covered by the agreement 

Journals in List A, B, C and D on IoP’s list of eligible journals webpage.

What you need to do: 

  • follow IOP's Guide to submitting under a transformative agreement
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author 
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent 
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement 
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.


Free APCs

We're participating in JISC’s Optica Publishing Group Read and Publish agreement 1 January 2022-31 December 2024.  

Journals covered by the agreement

This agreement applies to the following journals: 

  • Advances in Optics and Photonics
  • Applied Optics
  • Biomedical Optics Express
  • Journal of the Optical Society of America A
  • Journal of the Optical Society of America B
  • Optica
  • Optical Materials Express
  • Optics Continuum
  • Optics Express
  • Optics Letters
  • Optica Quantum

What you need to do

  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Oxford University Press (OUP)

Free APCs

We're participating in Jisc’s read and publish agreement with Oxford University Press for 2024-2025.

Journals covered by the agreement

See our Read and Publish Journal Search.

What you need to do:

  • follow the instructions in OUP’s Step by Step Guide
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement.
  • use a CCBY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Rockefeller University Press

Free APCs

We’ re participating in JISC’s Read and Publish Agreement with Rockefeller University Press (RUP) 2024-2025.

Journals covered by the agreement

Rockefeller's hybrid journals:

  • Journal of Cell Biology
  • Journal of Experimental Medicine 
  • Journal of General Physiology

Journals not covered by the agreement

  • Gold Open Access journal - Life Science Alliance

What you need to do

  • Follow the instructions on specific journal’s webpage
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CCBY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

Free APCs

We're participating in the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Read and Publish scheme 2022-2024 under which the APC costs of 12 articles a year are covered.

Journals covered by the agreement

All RSC's hybrid journals

Journals not covered by the agreement

RSC's Gold journals

What you need to do:

  • follow the “When you are ready to publish” instructions on RSC’s Read and Publish scheme page
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CCBY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.


Free and discounted APCs

We're participating in JISC’s Read and Publish agreement with Sage 2023-24.

Journals covered by the agreement

If you're a Kent corresponding author and your article is accepted by a journal in one of the collections below, it will be Open Access without you needing to acquire separate funding:

Journals not covered by the agreement

APCs for articles in Sages’ Pure Gold Open Access journals aren't covered, but a 20% discount is available. If you wish to publish in these journals you'll need to apply for APC funding.

What you need to do:

  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible
  • use a CCBY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.


Free APCs

We're participating in SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics), which allows authors to publish Open Access in key journals in the field of High Energy Physics at no cost to the author.

Journals covered by the agreement:

If you're a Kent corresponding author and your article is accepted by one of the High Energy Physics journals participating in the SCOAP3 it will be Open Access without the need for separate funding. 

What you need to do

  • Follow the submission process in each journal's guidelines
  • Authors won't pay any fees or need to complete any extra admin


Free APCs

We are participating in the Springer Nature Read and Publish agreement 2023-2025. This brings together Springer, Palgrave Macmillan, and Nature Research journals into one Read and Publish agreement.

Journals covered by the agreement

If you're a University of Kent corresponding author publishing in one of the Springer hybrid journals, your article will be published Open Access by default.

A UK-wide cap of 412 articles in Nature and Nature Research journals has been set for the sector for 2024.

Journals not covered by the agreement

APCs for articles in any Springer, Nature or BioMed Central Gold Open Access journals. If you wish to publish in these journals you will need to apply for APC funding.

What you need to do:

  • follow these instructions from Springer
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Taylor & Francis

Free APCs

We're taking part in the Taylor & Francis JISC Read and Publish Agreement 2024-2025.
A UK-wide cap of 7,700 articles in Taylor & Francis journals has been set for the sector for 2024.

Journals covered by the agreement

All hybrid journals, all fully OA journals, F1000 and Routledge Open Research.

The following link shows which titles you can publish in, just use the filter to exclude Dove Medical titles (which aren't technically "T&F," hence they are excluded):

Open access cost finder - Author Services (

Or use our Read and Publish journal search.

Journals not covered by the agreement

Dove Medical titles.

What you need to do:

  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.


Free APCs

We're taking part in Wiley’s JISC agreement 2024-2025. 

Journals covered by the agreement

What you need to do

  • Follow the instructions from Wiley for:
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
    • Please note: Wiley now require you to allocate one Responsible Corresponding Author (RCA) at submission stage. This role will be used to determine eligibility for the Read and Publication agreement and cannot be altered
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

World Scientific

Free and discounted APCs

We're participating in JISC’s World Scientific Read and Publish agreement 1st January – 31st December 2024.

This provides unlimited open access for University of Kent corresponding authors publishing in all the World Scientific’s hybrid titles.

Journals covered by the agreement

World Scientific’s hybrid titles are covered by the agreement.

Journals not covered by the agreement

  • Gold Open Access journals
  • APCs for articles in World Scientific’s full Open Access journals aren’t covered, but a 20% discount is available. If you wish to publish in these journals you’ll need to apply for APC funding

What you need to do

  • follow the Process instructions from World Scientific
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Kent
  • use your Kent email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible
  • use a CCBY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.


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Last updated