Moving in

Moving house is an exciting and busy time.

I wish we'd taken the inventory more seriously. We skimmed through and didn't mark any of the existing damage, so ended up getting charged for it when we moved out.

Yolanda, third year business student

Here’s a helpful checklist to make sure you remember the essentials when you arrive at your new home.

  • Check the contents – check all items listed on your inventory are present and in good condition. Speak to your landlord if anything is missing. If you don't have an inventory, request one in writing.

  • Read your meters – if your electricity and gas bills are quarterly you’ll need to do this ASAP, so you’re not at risk of being charged for the previous tenants' use.

  • Meet your neighbours – say hello or invite them round for tea.

  • Take photos – of all the rooms, especially the ones not in good condition. This means you’ll have evidence of what the house was like when you moved in.

  • Is your house gas safe? Make sure your new house ticks all the boxes on the gas safety checklist.

  • Sort out your council tax – you might be exempt!

  • Pay your TV licence – split this with your housemates and it works out only a few quid a month.

  • Know your rubbish – collection days and requirements.

Problems moving in?

If you find any problems when you move in, contact the landlord or agent and calmly express your concerns. Ensure you get everything in writing (email), if things aren’t solved so easily, there are plenty of people you can go to for advice.

Last updated