Check the subscribers
To see how many subscribers you've got, go to but replace list-name with the mailing list name. In the top left, see the number under Subscribers.
See what's been sent
The easiest way to know whether your message was sent is to add yourself as a subscriber to the mailing list.
If you have permissions you can also check the message logs.
Message logs
Log in at
- Click the Admin link next to your list in the left menu.
- Click the Logs tab.
- Set a date range for your search of the logs.
- In the Search by type drop list choose Message then click View.
- In the log that appears the most recent entries will be at the bottom. To find the entry relating to the message you sent look for the following details:
- Date: this will be the date and time you sent the message.
- Action: look for a DoMessage entry.
- User email: this will be the email address the message was sent from.
- Status: will say Success if the message was sent
Add an owner or moderator
Add a list owner
A list owner can configure the list, add moderators and add subscribers.
If you're a privileged owner, you can add other owners:
- Log in to the mailing list system
- Click My lists
- Click your list name
- Under List configuration, click Modify owners or moderators
- In the Owner section, find the next free set of fields and add the name and email address of a person you want to add as an owner
- Scroll to the bottom and click Update
Note: Setting the owner Profile to Privileged will allow them to add other owners in addition to configuring the list and adding moderators.
Add a moderator
If the list is a moderated, moderators approve messages sent to the list prior to the message going to all list members.
- Log in to the mailing list system
- Click My lists
- Click your list name
- Under List configuration, click Modify owners or moderators
- In the Moderators section, find the next free set of fields and add the name and email address of a person you want to add as an moderator
- Scroll to the bottom and click Update
Moderate messages
Control who can send messages
- Log in to the mailing list system
- Click My lists
- Click your list name
- Under List configuration, click Change who can post to this list
- In the Who can send messages drop down list, select the option you would like.
- Moderated: Anyone can send to the list but messages will be approved by a moderator first. If the list moderators send a message they will not be moderated and the message will go straight to the list.
- Moderated, even for moderators: Anyone can send to the list but all messages will be approved by a moderator first.
- Restricted to local domain: Anyone sending a message from a email address can send to the list.
- Restricted to local domain and subscribers: Anyone sending a message from a email address or anyone who is a member of the list can send to the list
- Restricted to subscribers: Only members of the list may send messages to it.
- Moderated, restricted to subscribers: Only members of the list may send messages to it and their messages will be subject to moderation.
- Public: Anyone in the World can send messages to the list. Note: this will open up your list to being spammed.
- When you've finished, Update at the bottom
Approve or reject messages sent to moderated lists
Messages sent to moderated lists won't be posted until a moderator approves them. As a moderator, you'll get an email when there's a message pending approval.
To approve / reject a message:
- Either click the link in the email
- Or:
- Log in to the mailing list system
- Click My lists
- Click your list name
- Click the link in the left menu that shows the number of messages pending approval, eg message (7)
- From the list of messages, click on a subject line to read a message, and then choose either Send (to approve the message), Reject (to reject the message) or Notified reject (to reject the message and notify the sender by email).
Manage your subscribers
Control who can subscribe or unsubscribe
- Log in to the mailing list system
- Click My lists
- Click your list name
- Under List configuration, click Change who can (un)subscribe and view list information
- Under the drop down lists for Who can subscribe to the list and Who can unsubscribe select the options you want for your list
- Scroll to the bottom and click Update
Add subscribers
- Log in to the mailing list system
- Click My lists
- Click your list name
- Under View or manage subscribers, click Add/delete subscribers
- To add one list member: enter their full email address (not just their username), and click Add.
- To add multiple list members: click Multiple add, then enter one member per line, including their full email address, followed by a space, then their name, eg: andrew other edward mail
Note: new members will receive the following email notification, unless you tick the quiet checkbox.
Welcome to list Your subscription email is The list description... Everything about this list:
Copy list subscribers from one list to another
- Log in to the mailing list system
- Click My lists
- Click the list name that you want to copy addresses from
- Under View or manage subscribers, click View the list of subscribers
- From the list of buttons at the top select Dump. This will display a plain text list of email addresses one on each line
- Select all the addresses, right-click with the mouse and select Copy
- Go back to your My lists view:
- Click the Home button at the top
- Click My lists
- Click the list name that you want to copy addresses to
- Under View or manage subscribers, click Add/delete subscribers
- Under To add multiple users, select Multiple add
- Remove the existing text in the box, right-click with the mouse and select Paste
- Tick the quiet box if you don’t want to message people to say they have been added to list
- Click Add subscribers
Removing list members (subscribers)
- Log in to the mailing list system
- Click My lists
- Click your list name.
- Under View or manage subscribers, click Add/delete subscribers
- Scroll down to the Subscribers table
- Tick the checkbox next to the email address you want to remove
- Click Delete selected email address
Note: Unsubscribed members will receive the following email notification, unless you tick the quiet checkbox.
Your address ( has been removed from list, likely due to excessive non-delivery reports for your address.
You can subscribe again:
Subscribe another list to your list
- Log in to the mailing list system
- Click My lists
- Click your list name
- Click List configuration
- Hover over Edit List Config then select Data sources setup
- Scroll down to List inclusion and in the short name of this source field enter the name of the list without
Where replies go
If someone replies to the mailing list you can decide what happens to that reply:
- Log in to the mailing list system
- Click My lists
- Click your list name
- Click List configuration
- Hover over Edit List Config then select Sending/receiving setup
- Scroll down to Reply address and in the value field choose who you want replies to go to. You can choose to have replies go back to the list, to the sender of the message, or to another address you choose and enter in the field other email address.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Update to save your changes
Undelivered messages
If a message can't be delivered to a list member, you won't be told even if you're the list owner or person who sent the message.
The only way to see if any list members did not receive a message, is to check ‘bounces’ in the mailing list system:
- Log in to the mailing list system
- Click My lists
- Click your list name
- Click Admin in the left-hand menu
- Click Bounces
- Click an address from the list shown, to view further details about the bounce
- Click View last bounce, to find out why the last message sent was not received
Hide or show your list
Show your list in the Outlook address book
University of Kent staff will be able to find your list in the Outlook address book.
- Log in to the mailing list system
- Click My lists
- Click your list name
- Under List configuration, click Modify list subject and visibility
- Scroll to the bottom
- Look under Topics for the list (topics)
- Hold down the CTRL key and click Address book listed
(if you click without holding CTRL, you'll deselect any other topics listed) - Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update
Hide your list from the internet
Avoid publishing your mailing list email address on the web (and attracting spam), by hiding it:
- Log in to the mailing list system
- Click My lists
- Click your list name
- Under List configuration, click Modify list subject and visibility
- From the Visibility of the list (visibility) menu, choose conceal except for subscribers (conceal)
- Scroll to the bottom and click Update
This won't remove your list address from websites that it already appears on. The addresses of some older lists are visible on the Welcome Screen of the Kent mailing list site - if you own one of these lists, you should think about hiding your list.
Find out all the ways you can get in touch: