The thought of coming out as gay or transgender at university can be extremely daunting, especially if you have not come out before.

There are a number of support avenues at the University to help you if you are confused, looking for friends or just want someone to talk to in complete confidence.

At Kent we know how important it is to shine a spotlight on under-represented groups, which is why we celebrate a number of History Months and Awareness Days  whilst our EDI Calendar showcases a number of significant Awareness Days, History Months, Celebration Weeks and Religious Festivals  

Students and staff at Canterbury Pride with a placard.

Students and staff celebrating Pride Canterbury.

Trans students

Trans is an umbrella term used to include all gender-variant people. It can mean someone feels like the opposite gender to which they were born, or that they classify themselves as non-binary, neither male nor female, or even a mix of the two.

The University has a Student Trans Support Policy which can be found on our student policies webpage.

The University has many gender neutral toilet facilities. Gender neutral toilet facilities will increase as building improvements and construction take place. View maps of gender neutral toilets (resources section) at our Canterbury and Medway campuses. 

Gender Affirmation Fund

The University recognises that transgender, non-binary and gender neutral individuals face additional mental health pressures that are directly related to their gender identity. 

To help alleviate these pressures, the University has created the Gender Affirmation Fund, which opens at the start of the academic year and operates on a 1st come, 1st served basis. 

Support group for for trans students

Have you ever questioned your birth-assigned gender?

The University works in partnership with the Canterbury Trans Network to offer an on and off-campus support group for all trans, intersex and non-binary gender people at the University of Kent.  

The group is run by non-binary people for non-binary people. Family and partners are welcome. The group welcomes folk in drab (birth gender mode) or dressed (preferred gender mode). No matter how you present, you will always be addressed by your preferred name. 

The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month (evenings, term-time only) and alternates between the Canterbury Methodist Church and the University of Kent Keynes Lounge. 

Please email for more information    


The University has some accommodation available for couples. For further advice or information please contact the University Accommodation Office directly on +44 (0)1227 766660 or email

LGBTQ+ Network

Kent Union has a number of networks including the LGBTQ+ Network. The LGBTQ+ Network aims to represent and act as the voice for, as well as promote, extend and defend the rights of LGBTQ+ students to both the University and Kent Union.

The Network also  organises events to help celebrate LGBTQ+ rights at the University of Kent. 

LGBTQ+ Society

LGBTQ+ Society is a social society with the aim of providing a safe space for those who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ umbrella. They welcome people of all sexualities and genders. 

The University of Kent also has an LGBT+ Staff Network who encourage any students who would like staff support to get in touch. Please see the Staff Network's blog for more information of the staff role models at Kent.

LGBTQ+ Mythbusters

LGBTQ+ Mythbusters are Kent students who go into secondary schools to speak to students (16-18 year olds) candidly about their experiences, both in terms of their sexuality and/or identity, their coming out process and also about University life in broader terms.

Mythbusters are put into teams (minimum two people per team) and allocated to a group of approximately 30 students. Students ask their questions anonymously by writing them on post-it notes and submitting them. The Mythbusters then pull the questions individually and can choose whether or not they wish to answer them. All groups are supervised by a teacher from the school.

The aim is for young people to be able to ask questions in a safe and supportive environment that they may not previously have felt comfortable or able to ask, to find out more about life in University for someone who identifies as LGBTQ+ and also to ask questions about their own experiences and emotions that they may be unsure about from someone who truly understands what it is like.

If you are interested in becoming an LGBT+ Mythbuster please contact the Outreach Team on

Report and Support

Report to the University and get support

We have developed an online reporting tool which empowers students to record details of incidents such as sexual misconduct and assault, harassment, relationship abuse or hate incidents, and get support from an adviser    

You can also find more information on each type of incident and the support available to you.

Last updated