Get rewarded

Need some extra motivation? We want to reward you for your hard work. Check out our extracurricular schemes to help you to develop your skills further.

Employability Points Scheme

The Employability Points Scheme rewards students for their active engagement with co-curricular activities with experiences of work.

For each co-curricular activity completed, students can claim 'Employability Points', which can be cashed-in for the chance to apply for exclusive internships, work placements, vouchers and more!


 Volunteering is a fantastic way to gain workplace experience and valuable transferable skills. It can be done on a regular basis, or as a one off experience. Either way, the University of Kent acknowledges what you have done and you can be rewarded with Employability Points! You can also receive support from careers staff, in helping you to recognise and articulate the experience and skills you have gained, when speaking to employers.

You can participate in volunteering events run by the Careers Service. You can find volunteering roles by searching opportunities in the Careers Student Booking System TargetConnect and access a list of organisations on the Student Volunteering page.

Any volunteering undertaken can be logged in MyFolio. Simply click on ‘Tell Us What You Have Been Up To’ and fill in the boxes. Keep adding all your activities to My Folio to earn points to enable you to apply for exclusive summer time rewards, as part of the Employability Points Scheme.

Careers Award

The Kent Careers Award is an online employability programme that gives you the chance to think about your career options, what type of opportunities are open to you and how to prepare yourself for getting through the recruitment and selection process of many recruiters.

The pathway has been developed to allow you to recognise your skills and experience, identify career options and ways to market yourself effectively to employers. It is split into sections that you can work through at your own pace and time and then receive feedback from us.

The award is open to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Once you have successfully completed the award you will receive 20 Employability Points.

Global Skills Award (postgraduates)

The Global Skills Award (GSA) is a programme of lectures and skills workshops designed to broaden your understanding of global issues and current affairs. It also develops your personal skills and enhances your career prospects while you study for your Master's.

Last updated