Governing Scientific Accountability in China

GM Debates with Chinese Characteristics?

22 December 2016

An Article Image

Dr. Joy Zhang recently contributed to the China Policy Institute Analysis (CPI: Analysis) blog at the University of Nottingham.

In this piece, Dr Zhang highlighted the similarities of public scepticism towards GM food between China and European countries. She argued that ‘to highlight the close resemblance of the origin and public views of GM debates between China and Europe is not to negate Chinese particularities…But to ascribe something as having “Chinese characteristics” may falsely exaggerate the difficulty (or impossibility) of responding to it. If one were serious about bridging gaps of opinion in the GM debate, then recognising which issues may be universal is just as important as identifying which issues are local. This is not simply true in terms of how China can “draw lessons” from the European experience, such as how to deliver better public engagement with a more sensible appreciation of public concerns. But it is also true for China, and observers of China, to have a clearer view of which aspects of the GM disputes can be addressed with more scientific facts, better policy directives or the right economic incentives, and which must be attended to through social means.’

The full article can be accessed here:

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Image by Steve Jurvetson