Governing Scientific Accountability in China

Day 3- Newton Researcher Links Workshop

17 November 2019

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After two days of intensive examination and cross-cultural, cross-disciplinary dialogues, we believed that a better science dialogue was possible. So during the final day of the Beijing workshop on Promoting Social Embeddedness of New Biotechnologies, we tried to come up with individual and institutional action plans.

Divided into four groups, we design recommendations for both home institutions and regulatory bodies on how to better embed public dialogue in scientific research so as to benefits both the public and the scientific community.

To be sure, there was a limitation to what a 3-day event can accomplish. But it is safe to say that we each left the workshop venue with something useful for our future work and with a somewhat refreshed view of what our work is about.

We hope this is just a start of a long and fruitful conversation between the research communities in the UK and in China.

Telephone: +44(0)1227 827574 or email us

SSPSSR, Faculty of Social Sciences, Cornwallis North East, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NF

Last Updated: 03/02/2015

Image by Steve Jurvetson