The Centre for Professional Practice is delighted to announce the launch of the Advanced Journal of Professional Practice (AJPP). The AJPP is an online open-access, work-related journal dedicated to sharing of experiences and gold standard practices from anyone working in a professional role.
You can access the journal here: http://journals.kent.ac.uk/index.php/ajpp/issue/view/18
“The AJPP has been established as a portal for new knowledge created for the advancement of professional practice. AJPP will host new creative work and welcome submissions of traditional or untraditional nature, but which demonstrate translational work-related professional practice application “, – said Dr Claire Parkin, the Editor-In-Chief of the AJPP.
John Wightman, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, said: ” We welcome the appearance and creation of the Advanced Journal of Professional Practice (AJPP). The founding of the AJPP at the University of Kent will allow for the publication of new knowledge and innovations of a work-related professional practice nature or practical advancements. It will encourage its readers to apply new knowledge and skills or to unearth new found inspiration to develop innovative practices within their workplace.”
If you are interested in publishing your work, please send email enquiries to AJPP@kent.ac.uk and submissions via the website.
Further information about the Centre for Professional Practice: www.kent.ac.uk/cpp