News from Digital and Lifelong Learning

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Student holding up microchip in lab

Our News

Discover our latest news and activities

Showcasing student stories, inspiring achievements and range exciting opportunities available

News and events from Global and Lifelong Learning are showcased across two platforms

Access our departments range of stories and events via our Professional Practice and Apprenticeships news channels where you will find our latest news coverage including opportunities, achievements and the success stories of students past and present.

Enjoy our interviews with alumni, coverage on sector-related news, research updates, course opportunities, apprenticeship case studies and much more. 

You can also follow us on social media and stay even more connected to updates and information from GLL.

Stay Connected!

As well as our news page, you can also stay up to date with our latest news and events from Global and Lifelong Learning via our social media platforms. 

Also feel free to get in touch with us if you have any queries or would like to know more about any of our stories. Your feedback is always welcomed and if you are an alumni or believe you know a story we would like to hear about, please do contact the GLL team.  

Featured story

students chatting while sat on low wall outside University building

Stories from alumni

Be inspired and informed with stories and testimonials from our alumni

Social media quote