Rebecca Pope

Rebecca Pope

PhD in Medieval and Early Modern Studies - Christine and Ian Bolt Scholar

The Christine and Ian Bolt Scholarship was set up in memory of Christine Bolt, Emeritus Professor of History at the University of Kent, by her husband, and supports a sustained period of research in the United States.

The scholarships are aimed at students whose area of research has an American element or where the centre of expertise or an important source of research material is located in the US.

Rebecca Pope was a recipient of this scholarship.

"My scholarship allowed me to carry out research in the United States which is crucial to my thesis, an opportunity which I would otherwise not be able to afford. Being chosen for this award has given me confidence in both my research and in myself and has afforded me new experiences which will benefit me both professionally and

"The scholarship supported research at Princeton University in the United States, gaining me access to unique materials that will have a significant impact on my thesis, pushing my research, and potentially providing me with future opportunities.

"I was also able to speak at the largest conference in my field, held in Michigan. With the support of the scholarship, I can also develop a network of contacts in North America which could offer potentially valuable future research and employment opportunities.

"I am incredibly grateful to be a recipient of the Christine and Ian Bolt Scholarship and to carry the name of these scholars, particularly that of Christine Bolt, who as a prominent female scholar, is an important role model to any woman who aspires to be a successful academic."  

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