Information for suppliers

The Procurement team at the University use an online tender portal, to publish all our procurement opportunities over the value of £25,000.

Procurement opportunities

If you are a current supplier or wish to supply the University then please register your company details on the portal to view and apply for contract opportunities at:

Please note that use of this service includes agreeing to the terms and conditions of the site. You will not reuse, reverse engineer, copy or redistribute any information supplied, except for the aim of preparing a bid to the University. If you are not a legitimate supplier with the capability to supply the services in which you have expressed interest, you may have breached the terms and conditions and your access may be revoked at our sole discretion.

The University also expects suppliers to be aware of, and comply with, national legislation as well as all our internal policies about behaviours and activity. The relevant legislation and policies below.

If you have any queries about becoming a supplier to the University please email

No PO No Pay Policy

We operate a No PO No Pay (No Purchase Order No Payment) policy with all suppliers and contractors providing goods, services and works. The policy applies to all suppliers/contractors unless an alternative formal route of engagement has been agreed with the Head of Procurement.

No PO No Pay Supplier FAQ

You should only accept an order when a valid PO is provided. If you receive an order from a member of University staff without a valid PO number, you should ask the member of staff to provide one before proceeding.  

All invoices and credit notes should be emailed to Statements and other queries should be sent to 

You should contact the member of staff who gave the original instruction to supply the goods, services or works and ask them to provide a valid PO number.

When a valid PO number is obtained, you should send a replacement invoice, quoting the valid PO number to the address above. Upon authorisation of a correct and valid invoice, the 30 day payment target commences.

Invoices may be disputed for a number of valid reasons that may include, but are not limited to:

- PO number quoted on invoice is closed or complete
- PO number quoted does not match the issued PO
- Invoice quantities, description, dates or pricing do not match those on the quoted PO number

If your invoice has been delayed beyond the expected payment terms agreed, you should contact the member of University staff you agreed the PO with to request the delay is investigated and a response provided to you.

There are a number of approved exceptions to the policy. Your University contact will have confirmed at point of order if an exemption applies to you. This should be noted on your invoice if practical. Should you need further clarification, please speak with your University contact.  

If you have any further queries regarding the policy, please use the Contact tab for guidance.  


Below you will find links to guidance, and copies of, the legislation and regulation that is applicable to our procurement activity. This is not an exhaustive list of every piece of legislation that affects the University but those which Procurement need to specifically consider.  

Internal policies and procedures

The University of Kent expects all its suppliers and staff to be aware of, and comply with all our internal policies about behaviours and activity. These policies can be found at:

Of particular note are the policies relating to Anti Bribery, Data, Whistle-Blowing, Alcohol, Drugs & Substances, and Declaration of Interests. The University is also bound by external legislation and regulation linked to below.

If you have any doubts, queries, or need any guidance please contact the team.


Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium
London Universities Purchasing Consortium
Higher Education Funding Council for England
Higher Education Procurement Association
CPV Codes
Public Sector Procurement Policies
HEFCE Memorandum Of Assurance and Accountability
DEFRA Sustainable Procurement Policy Statement
DEFA Sustainable Procurement Flexible Framework

Existing documents and regulation

Public Procurement (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020
2015 Public Procurement Regulations
Bribery Guidance
Bribery Act 2010
Companies Act 1985
Companies Act 2006
Competition Act 1998
Corporate Manslaughter Act 2007, and amendment updated 2011 and
CDM Regulations 2015
Criminal Law Act 1977
Criminal Justice Act 2003 
Criminal Finances Act 2017
Customs & Excise Act 1979
Data Protection Act 1998 with 2008 Amendments
Data Protection Act 2018
Enterprise Act 2016
Environmental Information Regulations Act 2004
Equality Act 2010 and correction 24 Feb 2011
The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 (full text)
Fraud Act 2006
Freedom of Information Act 2000
General Data Protection Regulation
HSAW Act 1974, 1999  and
Insolvency Act 1986
Modern Slavery Act 2015
Money Laundering Act 2007
Procurement Legislation 2014
Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018
Public Services (Social Value Act) 2012 and Guidance Note
Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018
Theft Act 1968
Theft Act 1978
The Concessions Contracts Regulations 2016
The Public Procurement (Amendment etc) EU Exit) Regulations 2020
TUPE Act 2014
VAT Act 1994
WEEE Directive 2012

ProcurementTenderActivityFY23-25ForwardPlanningPipelinePublicVersionOctober2023.pdf (PDF 151.97 KB)  

Relevant EU legislation

EU Values 2016
Directive 2014-24-EU

Fradulent emails and purchase orders

We want to alert you to a fraud that is targeting existing and potential suppliers of goods to many universities in the UK.

The main victims are not the universities but hundreds of organisations across the UK and Europe. In the UK alone it is estimated that the sums run into £Millions.

The fraud operates in the following way:

  1. A supplier will receive an email or phone call from the fraudster requesting a quotation for specific item/s of equipment or goods. These may be in large or small quantities and of low to high values, or requesting extended payment terms.
  2. There are instances where the fraudster has used the name of an individual connected with the university.
  3. Once the quotation has been provided, a purchase order is emailed to the supplier that resembles an authentic University purchase order.
  4. The purchase order typically instructs delivery to an address that may or may not be affiliated to the University. If the University address is used, the fraudsters intercept or redirect the delivery once they are notified of despatch and tracking from the courier.
  5. The fraudster will provide a mobile number, asking for it to be the first number to try as they may be away from their desk or in meetings and therefore unable to take calls on the office extension.
  6. After shipping the goods, they are collected and despatched, usually abroad.  

Identifying fraudulent emails and purchase orders

The following will be evident in these fraudulent emails and purchase orders: 

  • An incorrect domain name (incorrect email extension) will be used to send emails and purchase orders e.g. rather than

At first glance, these fraudulent domains may appear genuine. Suppliers must always ensure that the email address is genuinely the University email address.

  • Delivery addresses will typically be a self-storage facility or freight forwarders, often nowhere near the University.

In some cases, the delivery address may be a genuine university address, which is later changed or redirected

  • There may be an instruction for the supplier / courier to use a mobile number rather than an office number.

NEVER contact the name / number used on the email / purchase order.
ALWAYS contact through the main University switchboard

We advise all suppliers to consult with their IT or cyber security advisors to ensure they remain vigilant and informed on how to identify suspicious communications.

If you are ever unsure about a quotation request sent by email and purporting to come from University of Kent, or the subsequent purchase order, please contact the Procurement Department at

Supplier Code of Conduct

The University of Kent Supplier Code of Conduct

 Last updated September 2019 by University of Kent Procurement Team 

New Supplier Set-Up Instructions

Last updated