Lloyd Bosworth

Archaeology Technician
01227 (82)4039
 Lloyd Bosworth


Lloyd Bosworth received both his BA in Archaeology and his MA in Landscape Archaeology from the University of York. His interests cover 3D modelling and visualisation, landscape survey, with a particular expertise in geophysical surveying, archaeological photography and illustration.

Alongside providing general technical help for staff and students in the Department of Classical & Archaeological Studies, Lloyd is available to provide training and assistance in the following areas:

  • Landscape survey methodologies, strategies and implementation
  • Survey data processing and interpretation
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping and analysis
  • Studio and site based photography
  • 3D Photogrammetry
  • Digitising hard copy site plans and drawings
  • Laser scanning methodologies, strategies and implementation
  • Laser scan data processing and analysis
  • 3D digital reconstruction/model-making
  • XRF analysis methodologies, strategies and implementation.
Last updated