Dr Gloria Chamorro, Lecturer in Applied Linguistics in the Department of English Language and Linguistics and Project Leader for the English Hub for Refugees Project, was invited to Valley Invicta Primary School, Kings Hill, to talk to Year 5 and 6 pupils and teachers to raise awareness about the situation and needs of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK.
In the one hour session, Gloria allowed pupils to explore and learn about the journeys many refugees take, and highlighted the turmoil and upheaval that a large number of individuals and families go through, especially minors.
Gilly Linnane, Assistant Headteacher at Valley Invicta Primary School, said: “the session was thought-provoking, interesting and engaging; children and adults alike enjoyed the competitive quiz elements and learning facts about refugees and asylum seekers (across the UK and beyond). The session was carefully matched to the age and abilities of our pupils and many children kept asking more questions after the workshop”.