
Cycling & Walking

The University actively promotes cycling and walking as a healthy and sustainable travel option for journeys to, from and around the campuses. Kent has some fantastic cycle routes and footpaths for leisure as well as direct routes to and from the Canterbury and Medway sites.

To encourage staff and students to walk and cycle, we offer a range of incentives.
See the sections below for details;


Bike Hire & Purchase

Canterbury cycle hire scheme

The University of Kent is working with CyclingAge CIC, to provide low cost bike hire to all students attending the Canterbury campus.

All bikes available are second hand and have either been abandoned onsite or given to the University. Each bike has been security tagged and is registered to the University of Kent. They all come equipped with; lights, a bell and a lock and have received a full service - They are as good as new and are ready to ride!

At the beginning and end of each term, CyclingAge will be on campus with a selection of bikes available for hire. There are only a limited number available and these will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis . View the transport calendar to find out when the next hire event is due to take place.

Additional information (Fees etc)
Terms and conditions

Contact information

For any enquiries regarding bike hire or servicing, contact Adrian at CyclingAge;

Tel: 01795 360880

Alternatively, if you are experiencing problems communicating with CyclingAge or have not received your deposit, email the Transport department -

Medway cycle hire scheme

If you are interested in hiring a bike from the Medway Campus, visit Liberty Quays reception.

Staff cycle to work scheme

The Staff cycle to work scheme offers employees the opportunity to purchase a brand new bike and accessories from a range of participating local stores at a discounted rate.

You will also save on Income Tax and National Insurance contributions, against the cost of the bike, and can even spread the cost over a 12 or 18 month period. 

In order to qualify, you must use the bike for at least 50% of your journeys to and from work.

Further information can be found on the staff finance page.

Bike locks

You can purchase an OnGuard gold secure bike lock for only £20 (RRP £43.99), directly from the Transport Team based in the Estates Department or from Campus Security.

OnGuard locks offer optimal security with the latest technological innovations and quality construction. They are ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers SOLD Secure gold standard locks.

Local bike shop discounts

Some local bike Shops offer discounts to University staff and students of between 10 and 15% on bike purchases. Shops included in this scheme are;

Canterbury Cycles
22-24 Stour Street

Bikes Bike Bikes
42-44 High Street

You will be required to produce your KentOne ID card in order to qualify for any discount.

Click here for further information.

Cycling 4 Work

Business bike mileage allowance

Staff who use their bike to travel to and from a meeting, can claim 20p per mile. Click here for more information.

Cycle Facilities

Cycle Shelters
There are over 2,000 cycle parking spaces available across the Canterbury and Medway campuses. This includes a number of covered and KentOne card access secure shelters. You can view the location of all Canterbury based bike lockups here.

Shelters on the Medway campus are situated as stated below;

Drill Hall Library (covered facility)
Centran Avenue
Nelson Building (covered facility)

In order for your KentOne ID card to be programmed with access to the secure bike shed(s), you will need to visit Campus Security.

Shower facilities are available and can be found in the following buildings;

Canterbury Campus
Templeman Library
Keynes College
Sports Centre

Medway Campus
Rochester Building

(Report to reception on arrival)

Cycle Security

Security Marking
On bicycle event days and ‘Dr Bike’ days, the Transport department work with Campus Security, to offer free bike security marking.
Visit Kent Police for further information on bike security.

Secure Bike Locks

You can purchase a gold standard secure bike lock for only £20 (RRP £43.99), directly from the Transport Team based in the Estates Department or from Campus Security.

Secure Bike Shelters
Although bikes are left at the owners own risk, we do offer a number of card access secure bike shelters which are fully enclosed and are only accessible with a valid KentOne ID card.

Cycle Safely

Tips & Advice

  • Before you go out on your bicycle, make sure everything is in good working order. Always take the time to check your breaks and lights are working properly and that the reflectors are clean. Dont forget to check your tyre pressure and tread.
  • You should wear a helmet (British standard) every time you ride your bicycle because it helps to protect one of your vital organs - the brain!
  • Bicycles can be very quiet and can startle pedestrians when they approach from behind. On shared use paths, cyclists should; slow down when approaching pedestrians, steer a wide birth and ring their bell to warn of their presence. Remember that some people are hard of hearing or visually impaired.

For further information, visit Highway code rules for Cyclists and the Government's own road safety website known as THINK.

If you are interested in becoming a more confident cyclist, why not enrol on one of the Cycle Training, Confidence Building and Maintenance courses ran by Kent County Council.

Remember to: Cycle safely and check your bike is fit for purpose

Dr Bike & Cycling Events

‘Dr Bike’ are experienced mechanics who carryout bicycle maintenance, repairs, adjustments and safety checks.

Cycle events are held at the University, to promote the benefits of cycling. These range from fun activities to organised cycle rides. 

Visit the transport calendar to find out when Dr Bike is onsite and when the next cycle event is due to take place. Alternatively, follow @unikentransport

University Cycle Groups

Kent Union Cycling Club have regular road, cross-country and downhill rides. They compete at a national level with other Universities across the country and run their own internal competitive races throughout the year.

KUBUG is an independent cycling group for the University of Kent at Canterbury. It's open to all students and staff who have an interest in cycling on or around the Canterbury campus.

This group is run as a free, open email forum. This allows you to interact online with other cyclists, to discuss cycling in the area and forthcoming events.


Walking to the University of Kent is encouraged as part of the University Travel Plan.

There are many reasons why walking to work can be good for you, these include;

  • Improving your health and fitness - it is known that walking helps protect the body from many illnesses and conditions, including; heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, obesity, the most common type of diabetes and many cancers. It is also a great way to relieve stress and assists with depression and mental health.
  • Improving our environment - walking doesn't cause congestion or pollution.
  • Peace of mind - walking removes the problems and frustrations of driving such as; finding a parking spot and being stuck in traffic jams. It is also a time when you can meet new people, chat with friends or just enjoy time to relax by yourself.
  • It's free - it doesn't cost a penny to walk!

Doctors recommend 30 minutes of walking every day, either in one go or as a series of short walks. Why not try walking to work, getting off the bus one stop early or even parking your car further away from your usual parking place and walking the remainder of your journey?

Campus Watch offer a free Walking taxi service, on the Canterbury campus, to those who feel vulnerable.

Useful Links


Please complete our short feedback form.

Your opinions are extremely important to us and we want to know what you think of the services we offer.

  EVENT: Bike Hire with CyclingAge - 20th September 2015, outside the Gulbenkian

The Estates Department- © University of Kent

The University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NN, T: +44 (0)1227 764000

Last Updated: 04/06/2015