
Winners' Gallery

May 2019

10 May 2019

An Article Image

Robert Hipkiss, Graham Pagdin and Elton Young, Maintenance Section. 

The nomination was received from John Kingsland. Following a suggestion made at the Estates Showcase event to replace high volume shower heads, with low volume shower heads as part of maintenance works, this has resulted in the following savings:

Water -3,288 m3
Energy –188,000 kWh
Carbon –38 tonnes
Total Cost -£14,000.

The project featured as a case study in Sustainability at Kent successes 2017/18.

In awarding the Staff Excellence Award the Senior Management Team, acknowledge the impact made to both the Estates Department and the University.




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The Estates Department- © University of Kent

The University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NN, T: +44 (0)1227 764000

Last Updated: 01/12/2021