Crab and Winkle Railway

A blocked off tunnel and brick walls, with wildlife growing around.

Crab and Winkle Railway Tunnel

Did you know?

Also known as the Tyler Hill tunnel, this side of the Crab and Winkle Railway tunnel can be found near the cycle path at the University, close to Giles Lane car park. It was the first purpose-built railway tunnel in Great Britain. For more information, check out the link below.

Mindfulness and Meditation Playlist (Spotify)

Visit the Crab and Winkle Railway Tunnel and enjoy this 19-hour playlist.

The Mindfulness & Meditation playlist is a mixture of calm instrumental tracks aimed to make one drift away and relax into a state of calm serenity and peaceful bliss and tranquility. Ideal to aid sleep and help the mind and soul. So sit down, chill out and get comfortable!    

Mindfulness Activity

5 senses challenge

  1. Look around you and make note of five things, be sure to use different senses: sound, sight, smell, touch.
  2. Reflect on how these things may change over time and as the season's change.
  3. Now consider five things that you are grateful for. Think of how these may have also changed over time and reflect on future things you may be grateful for.

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