"Creating a more fully inclusive and supportive place for colleagues with disabilities at the University of Kent."

Our purpose is to support staff who are disabled, have a long-term health condition or neurodivergence, and to support those working with or who are interested in inclusive practices.

The network provides a forum to share information, consider best practice, and enable opportunities for staff to engage with news, events and training.

We work closely with central Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity teams and Human Resources to make recommendations that enhance inclusive policies and practice at the University of Kent.   

Get involved

·    Follow the Staff Disability Network on Twitter

·    Access the latest Staff Disability Network News

·    Find out more about the Staff Disability Network

Contact us

Get support and advice from the Staff Disability Network co-chairs by emailing dsnchair@kent.ac.uk

Terms of Reference

The Network’s revised Terms of Reference were agreed 23 May 2019

    • To provide the opportunity for staff to network and share experiences about working at the University with a disability, long term condition/chronic illness, and/or neurodiversity
    • To promote disability equality for staff through active involvement in, and consultation where appropriate, formulating/reviewing University plans, strategies, policies and guidance
    • To act as a forum for consultation on Equality Impact Assessments (also known as Equality Analyses)
    • To work with the EDI team to develop ideas for improvement where required.
    • To raise awareness and provide a forum for the discussion of disability equality issues
    • To promote understanding and good practice across the University and facilitate action for change
    • To work on joint initiatives with Student Support and Wellbeing (SSW).


Network Co-Chairs

·    Jennifer Leigh

·    Jolie Keemink

·    Hannah Greer

·    Josie Caplehorne

·    Amanda Bates

Network Members

Membership includes disabled and chronically ill staff and allies, Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity team representatives, the Executive Group Disabilities Champion, and representatives from Occupational Health, Student Support and Wellbeing, and Estates.

Accessibility Tours

These tours help to build a better understanding of the campus experience for staff and students with disabilities and long-term health conditions, with a view to improving their experience.

The tours are focused on:

  • routes to and from buildings
  • access into and out of buildings, particularly new builds and the refurbished buildings

If you would like to take part in a tour or have an idea for the tour please email equalityanddiversity@kent.ac.uk.

Accessibility Tour Medway February 2020

Accessibility Tour November external Canterbury 2019

Accessibility Mini Tour October 2019

Accessibility Tour February 2019

Accessibility Tour May 2019

The outcomes of the tours are also reviewed at the Campus Accessibility Forum 

Campus accessibility forum.  

Last updated