The process of transitioning from one gender to another.

The University of Kent is committed to fostering an inclusive working environment for all, and recognises and celebrates the diversity of gender identity and expression of everyone on campus.

These pages seek to provide information, guidance and resources to support everyone who is trans (an umbrella term which includes people who may identify as transgender or transsexual) as well as those who may decide to go through a process of gender reassignment (the process of transitioning from one sex to another).  Please note that there are no absolute definitions surrounding this area as the terminology is varied and constantly evolving.

Student Toolkits & Resources

Staff Toolkits & Resources

Genderreassignment in the workplace guide

This guide provides information on gender identity inclusion at the University of Kent and how to support colleagues who have undergone or are planning to undergo gender reassignment. It also outlines the legal framework and University procedures and processes for staff to be aware of.

LGBTQI Training Module

The LGBTQI module is now available for all staff to enrol on.

Transgender Awareness Training Module

This Transgender Awareness module will provide information, guidance and resources relating to gender and transgender identity and how you can be an inclusive and supportive colleague. It is available for all staff to enrol via our Staff Moodle Site.

Advice and Support 

Further advice can be found from the following sources across the University:

The Equality Diversity and Inclusivity team and these trans webpages; your designated Employee Relations Adviser (see Who to contact via HR website;

  • the University Counselling Service;
  • the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBTQ+) Staff Network;
  • A confidential peer-support run with TG Pals for all trans, intersex and non-binary gender people;
  • the Mediation Service (details available from the Mediation website);
  • In addition, Occupational Health for confidential advice and support to staff on health and wellbeing issue (iIndividuals can self-refer, or line managers can make a referral with the permission of the individual).

Further Resources

Useful Publications

Beaumont Society

A support network that promotes understandings of transgender, transvestism and gender dysphoria. 


Offer free, confidential and non-judgmental advice, infuriation and support to all family members, partners, and friends of trans people. 

Advance HE

Provide sector specific guidance on supporting staff and students who are transitioning (see Trans Staff and Students in Higher Education). 

Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)

Tackle transgender discrimination and promote equality. 

FTM Network

An informal self-help group, open to all female to male transgender and transsexual people, or those exploring this aspect of their gender.

Information on Gender Dysphoria (NHS Website)

Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES)

Promote research for people who need to live and be accepted in the gender in which they identify when different from that assigned at birth. 

Gendered Intelligence

Create cohesion across the UK trans community, and raise awareness of needs through training, policy and consultation. 

Trans Students Educational Resources - Gender Unicorn, designed by Trans people, encompasses wider variations and more global gendered experiences outside of a western model.


These two sites are useful to see how different pronouns are used and understood. There is some text about pronouns and people's approaches and understandings and tables to show how they can be used.

Gendered Intelligence Resources

Gender Recognition Panel

Provide guidance on obtaining legal recognition of an acquired gender and process applications for Gender Recognition Certificates. 

Press for Change

An educational/political lobbying organisation for trans people in the UK. 

The UK Intersex Association

Campaigns for and supports intersex people in the UK. 

Last updated