When we make changes to policies or processes, it may seem that the changes impact everyone equally. However if we consider the changes more closely, we may find that they impact certain groups of people differently.
An Equality Analysis focuses on the impact of a change on each of the protected characteristics and whether it is putting someone with one or many of the protected characteristics at an unfair disadvantage.
By carrying out an Equality Analysis, the owner of the policy or process change will benefit from
- identifying areas of impact that may not have been otherwise considered
- thinking of possible ways to mitigate any negative impacts
- a way to show how equality considerations have been considered and addressed
This Toolkit sets out the University’s framework and guidance for undertaking
an Equality Impact Analysis (EIA). It is designed to assist staff who will have to
undertake an Equality Impact Analysis in the course of their work
All staff that need to carryout Equality Impact Analysis can access Equality Impact Analysis Training.
For any further advice please contact equalityanddiversity@kent.ac.uk.