Alumni and Careers

Alumni and careers
Our graduates go on to pursue careers in a wide range of professions. Whether you know where you’re heading or are looking for ideas, you can find inspiration from our alumni – we certainly do.

Impressive graduate prospects

Our graduates have gone into journalism, broadcasting and media, publishing, writing and teaching, as well as areas such as banking, project management and marketing.

We help students to develop the creative competence they need to succeed in a future career in specific arts professions as well as the wider creative industries. We host a wide range of employability events and opportunities including:

  • 'Future Thinking Workshops' for undergraduate and postgraduate students
  • 'Writing for a Living' and 'Working in Publishing' panel events featuring graduates from Comparative Literature and English Language and Linguistics, as well as industry experts
  • 'Reaching Out: Engaging communities in Literature and Creative Writing' module allows students to design and manage an outreach project related to their interests in literature and writing
  • 'Employability Office Hours' run by academic staff for students
  • Trips to arts and literature organisations such as The British Library, to meet alumni and learn about careers in these sectors.

Alumni news