Dr Huiling Zhu

Reader in Communications Director of Graduate Studies/Postgraduate Admissions Officer
+44 (0)1227 816402
Dr Huiling Zhu


Huiling Zhu received a BSc Honours degree from Xidian Univeristy, Xi’an, China, and a PhD degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. She joined University of Kent in 2006 and is currently a Reader in the School of Engineering and Digital Arts, University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom. Her research interests are in the area of broadband wireless mobile communications, covering topics such as radio resource allocation and management, MIMO, OFDMA, cooperative communications, distributed antenna systems, device-to-device communications, small cells and heterogeneous networks. She has participated in a number of European and industrial projects in these topics.

Dr Zhu is currently an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. She was a Guest Editor of two special issues on IEEE Communications Magazine, the Publication Chair of IEEE WCNC2013 in Shanghai, China, the Operation Chair of IEEE ICC 2015 in London, UK, a Wireless Communications Symposium Co-Chair in IEEE Globecom 2015 in San Diego, USA and a Track Co-Chair of IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2016-Spring), Nanjing, China.

Research interests

Wireless communications and networking


Undergraduate modules

  • EL570 Communication Principles (Communication Systems Principles Laboratory)
  • EL562 Computer Interfacing (2nd Year Project)
  • EL600 Project (Final Year Project)

Graduate modules

  • EL872 Wireless/Mobile Communications
  • EL873 Broadband Networks
Last updated