Professor Jiangzhou Wang

Professor of Telecommunications,
Director of Research
+44 (0)1227 823707
Professor Jiangzhou Wang


Jiangzhou Wang is a professor with the School of Engineering at the University of Kent. His research interest is in mobile communications. He has published over 500 papers and 5 books. 

Awards and Honours

  • IEEE Communications Society Fred W. Ellersick Prize (2024)
  • International Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (2023)
  • IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize (2022)
  • Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK (FREng)  (2018)
  • Fellow of IEEE (2017)
  • Industrial Fellow, the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK (2014-2015)
  • IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (2013-2014)
  • Best Paper Award, IEEE Globecom2012, California 
  • Fellow of IET (2011)  

Research interests

  • Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS)
  • Integrated sensing and communications (ISAC)
  • Machine learning for mobile communications
  • Vehicular communications (V2X)
  • Cell-free mobile communications
  • Massive MIMO and beamforming technologies
  • Multiple access techniques, including NOMA and OFDMA


  • EL677 Digital Communications
  • EL827 Advanced Communications Theory
  • EL872 Wireless Mobile Communications


  • General Chair, IEEE GLOBECOM2026, Macau
  • Technical Program Chair, IEEE ICC2019, Shanghai  
  • Executive Chair, IEEE ICC2015, London 
  • Technical Program Chair, IEEE WCNC2013, Shanghai
  • Editor, IEEE Transactions on Communications (1998-2013) 
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