Dr Chao Wang

Senior Lecturer in Electronic Systems Undergraduate Admissions Officer
+44 (0)1227 827621
Dr Chao Wang


Dr Chao Wang is currently a Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering and Digital Arts at University of Kent, where he first joined as a Lecturer in 2013. From 2011 to 2012, he was a NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Photonics LaboratoryUniversity of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA. He received his B.Eng degree in Opto-electrical Engineering from Tianjin University, China, in 2002, M.Sc degree in Optics from Nankai University, China, in 2005, and Ph.D degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Ottawa, Canada, in 2011. 

Dr Wang's research interests lie in inter-disciplinary areas that study the interaction between photonics and other traditional or state-of-the-art technologies in different fields, such as microwave photonics, optical communications and biophotonics, for widespread industrial, communications, biomedical, and defense applications. His research activities have been well funded by EU Marie-Curie Actions, the Royal Society of UK, the University of Kent, and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. He has authored more than 80 peer-reviewed journal publications and international conference papers (including five invited papers and three Best Student Paper Awards). For a complete list of his publications, please visit this page. The total citations of his work are over1520 and h-index is 22. His research work has been highlighted in major academic media, such as Nature PhotonicsNature BiotechnologyTime MagazineScientific AmericanOptics & Photonics News and Laser Focus World.

He has received several prestigious international and national awards, including SPIE Scholarship in Optical Science and Engineering (2008), Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (2009) , IEEE Photonics Society Graduate Student Fellowship (2009), IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Graduate Fellowship (2010), Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Postdoctoral Fellowship (2011), and Marie-Curie Career Integration Grant (2014). He also received the Best Paper Awards from APMP 2009 and MWP 2010.

He is a member of IEEE, the IEEE-PS, the IEEE-MTTS, and OSA, and a Fellow of Higher Education Academy. He also serves as a regular reviewer of many leading photonics journals of OSA, IEEE, Nature, AIP, IET, SPIE, Elsevier and Wiley. He has served as the Co-organizer and Chair of Mini-Symposium on Microwave Photonics in PIERS 2014, and the Symposium Co-chair in CLEO-PR/OECC/PGC 2017, and Technical Programme Sub-committeee co-chair of CLEO-PR 2018. He also served as the Guest Editor of a Special Session on Microwave Photonics in SPIE Optical Engineeringand the Guest Editor of a Specital Issue on Microwave Photonics in MDPI Photonics.

In the School of Engineering and Digital Arts, Dr Wang is the Programme Chair of MSc Advanced Communications Engineering (RF Technology and Telecommunications) and MSc Advanced Communications Engineering (Wireless Systems and Networks).

Research interests

Dr Chao Wang's research interests lie in inter-disciplinary areas that study the interaction between photonics and other traditional or state-of-the-art technologies in different fields, such as microwave photonics, biophotonics and fiber optics, for industrial, communications, biomedical, and defense applications. 

  • Microwave Photonics: photonic generation of microwave arbitrary waveforms, microwave photonic signal processing, radio-over-fiber, optical sensors.
  • Biophotonics: ultrafast high-throughput optical imaging for biomedical applicaitons, optical coherence tomography.
  • Ultrafast Optics: coherent optical pulse shaping, characterization of ultrafast optical pulses, ultrafast optical signal processing.
  • Fiber Optics: fiber lasers and amplifiers, fiber Bragg gratings, fiber-optic sensors and ultrafast interrogation systems, photonic crystal fiber devices.

His research activities have been funded by the EU Marie-Curie Actions, the Royal Society of UK, University of Kent, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. His current funded research projects include:

  • 2016-2017 (PI) The Royal Society Research Grants, "Photonic-enabled big data compression in ultrafast imaging".
  • 2014-2017 (Co-I, with Dr N. Gomes (PI), Prof J. Wang and Dr H. Zhu) EU Horizon 2020 EU-Japan Cooperation Project, "Radio Technologies for 5G using Advanced Photonic Infrastructure for Dense User Environment (RAPID)". 
  • 2014-2018 (PI) EU FP-7 Marie-Curie Career Integration Grant (CIG), "Next generation ULTrafast continuously running Imaging System for biomedical applications (NULTIS)".
  • 2014-2016 (PI) The Royal Society International Exchanges Grant, "Integrated Microwave Photonics Signal Processing for High-speed Optical Imaging".
  • 2014-2017 (PI, with Dr P. Young and Prof J. Stiens) University of Kent - VUB Collaboration Project, "Real-time Photonic Terahertz Coherence Tomography".
  • 2014-2017 (Co-I, with Dr N. Gomes(PI)) University of Kent 50th Anniversary PhD Studentship,  "Optical fibre transport of MIMO/virtual-MIMO radio signals for 5G wireless/mobile systems".
  • 2013-2016 (PI) University of Kent Faculty of Sciences Research Funds.

More information about Dr Wang's research can be found here.


Undergraduate modules:

  • EL303 Electronic Circuits
  • EL318 Engineering Maths
  • CO324 Computer Systems
  • EL562 Computer Interfacing (2nd year project)
  • EL600 Project (Final year project)

Postgraduate modules:

  • EL892 Satellite and Optical Communication Systems
  • EL890 MSc Project

Foundation Year modules:

  • EL027 Semiconductor and Digital Electronics


PhD students supervised as the first supervisor:

  • Mr Eamonn J Ahmad (2014-2018): High-throughput photonics-enabled mm-wave coherence tomography
  • Mr Guoqing Wang (2014-2018): Ultrafast optical imaging
  • Mr Chaitanya K Mididoddi (2015-2019): Optical compressive sensing for ultrafast imaging and measurement

PhD students supervised as the second supervisor:

  • AE Aighobahi: Radio over fibre
  • U Habib: Radio over Fibre, Millimetre Wave Communication, 5G Mobile/Communication Networks
  • S Noor: Subcarrier multiplexing radio over fibre


  • Regular Reviewer of more than 20 international Journals from IEEE, OSA, Nature, AIP, IET, SPIE, Elsevier, and Wiley. 
  • Remote Referee of European Research Council (2016-2017)
  • Grant Reviewer and Panelist of British Council Newton Fund (2014-2017)
  • Member of EPSRC Associate Peer Review College (2016- ) 
  • Guest Editor of SPIE Optical Engineering (2015) and MDPI Photonics (2017).
  • External examiner for PhD viva in Aston, VUB and Monash.  
Last updated