
Sanctuary at Kent

The University of Kent is working to be a safe and welcoming place for refugees, asylum seekers, and others who are displaced or forced to migrate. Help us make a real difference to students seeking sanctuary.

Our aim to become a University of Sanctuary

Through academic research, public engagement activities and collaborations with partners, we want to use our platform to be an advocate for safety, solidarity and empowerment for people seeking sanctuary.

Sanctuary activities

Exploring HE days

We invite residents from Napier Barracks to campus, providing information on accessing higher education, as well as enjoying activities together such as gardening and sports.

Supporting Academics

We work with CARA (Council for At Risk Academics), who provide urgently-needed help to academics in immediate danger.  

Staff Action

The Sanctuary Collective is a group of volunteers from across the University who seek to use their varied skills and work together to make a practical difference.   

Student Action - STAR

Student Action for Refugees society is a student-led organisation that advocates for refugee rights and seeks to welcome refugees and asylum seekers on campus.   

Sanctuary scholarships

A fee waiver and maintenance grant allows some refugees and asylum seekers the opportunity to receive a University of Kent education.

Kent Law Clinic

Staff and students have been involved in delivering legal information workshops to asylum seekers.    

Eastern ARC Unis

Together with Sussex, Essex, and East Anglia, we are collaborating on joint research projects, events and ideas to bring our communities together.

Ukraine Uni Twinning

We collaborate with Kherson State University in Ukraine to support an institution deeply impacted by the ongoing war.   

Work with us

Would you like to collaborate on our Sanctuary initiatives? Email us to work together, or give us feedback at

Local Partnerships

We work with businesses and charitable organisations in the area help us to unite our voices and resources to work towards greater social justice.  

Projekt Encounter - a series of performing arts workshops for migrants, with Projekt Europa

The workshops and performance centred around the theme of change, navigating multiple languages and cultures. Theatre-makers and Kent alumni, Francisca Stangel & Tom Tegento, led this project with support from the School of Arts’ staff and students.

Latest news on different projects at Kent that contribute to this civic mission