EP Rewards

What rewards are offered?

The Employability Points Scheme offers various rewards, ranging from paid-internships and project placements to work experience and work shadowing opportunities, also including training sessions, company experiences and vouchers!

All rewards are completed during the summer break (June-September) and to apply, you must have a sufficient number of points logged on their profile by 11th March 2024.

Click on the type of reward below to find out what is being offered this year!

Key links and information

  • city


    For 200 points you can undertake a 4-12 week paid summer internship.

  • chart-bars

    Project Placement

    For 175 points you can complete a paid 2-4 week project.

  • briefcase

    Work Experience

    Work experience provides you with a 2-week unpaid placement, requiring 150 points.

  • pencil3


    You can attend a 1-day training session for 125 points.

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    Work shadowing

    For 100 points, you can spend 2-days shadowing a professional.

  • network

    Company Experience

    For 75 points, you can attend exclusive experience days.

  • abacus

    Skills Development and Fireside Chats

    You can attend skills development sessions and 1-1 fireside chats for 50 points.

  • sun


    For 50 points, you can enter a raffle to win University of Kent merchandise. (Points only redeemed if successful)

How to get Rewarded

The process to get rewarded is:

  • On 7th March, the EP team will email all students registered on the scheme a copy of the 2023-24 Rewards Pack. This document includes all rewards which will be on offer, relevant criteria and logistical information.
  • The deadline to log your points for 2023-24 is 11th March 2024 (17:00). Any points earned after this time will automatically roll-over to the 2024-25 academic year.
  • All students who have at least 50 points on their profile will receive an application form on 13th March.
  • Students will have need to complete their application form by 25th March (23:59). Students can select the rewards they wish to apply for and place these in order of preference.
  • Throughout April, the EP team will shortlist students for rewards. If you have successfully applied for a work-based reward, you may be invited to attend an interview. All other rewards are confirmed to students at the end of May.
  • Interviews are held in mid-May and all reward winners are confirmed by the end of May 2024.
  • Rewards commence from late May / early June.

The Rules: 

  • Students must have sufficient points to apply for rewards.
  • Students can apply for as many rewards as they like, although restricted to three internships and one voucher.
  • The University of Kent and the Employability Points team accept no responsibility for the cancellation of placements due to sponsor commitments, but the EP team will try and find an alternative opportunity where available.
  • If you are an international student, it is your responsibility to check your ability to work in the UK in accordance with your visa.
  • If preferred, students can roll-over points in March rather than redeem these for rewards.
  • Rewards are not guaranteed, although the EP team will attempt to ensure all students are rewarded.


It's such a great scheme, and having worked in universities myself for a long time, it's brilliant that you have this opportunity to really build your CV.

David Stokes, Chief Executive, Nucleus Arts