EP: How it works

Employability Points

How it works

On this page

This page features information about how the EP Points scheme works. You can jump to sections by clicking the icons below or scroll through the information. 

What are Employability Points?

Employability Points are rewarded for all your co-curricular activity that enhances your employability. You can gain points whilst registered as a University of Kent student.  These points can then be cashed in for rewards offered by employers. 

What is a co-curricular activity?

A co-curricular activity is an activity you undertake alongside your degree studies. The activity is optional and non-credit bearing. It could include joining a student group, attending an event, working part-time and much more.

What can I get points for and how much are they worth?

You can gain points for a variety of activities including running a society, taking part in Study Plus Courses, going on ASPIRE's Business Start Up Journey, organising events, attending careers fairs, having a part time job etc.

When you log your co-curricular activity on MyFolio the EP Team award you your points. The activities we aware you points for are detailed on our Points Classification document which you can view here. 

How to sign up and log your points

See our step by step guide on how to sign up and log your points below.


Getting Started: Sign up for EP points

To sign up for the EP Points scheme you will need to log into your MyFolio account and sign up for EP Points. Once this is completed you are ready to log your points. See our guide of how to set up your account here. 


Start logging your points

Tell us about your co-curricular activities on your MyFolio Log. Tell us about what you do to run a society, your part-time work experiences, any careers events and networking days you attend etc. 


Look for ways to increase your EP Points

You need to reach a certain level of points to unlock specific rewards. For example if you log 50 points over the year you can unlock an invite to a skills event hosted by one of our employers. If you log 200 points you can unlock the chance to apply for an internship. Find out ways to top up your points here. 


Log your points by our March deadline!

All EP Points must be logged by the 11 March 2024 in order for you to apply for rewards this year. Our rewards will then be released for you to apply to.


Apply for rewards by our rewards deadline

Our rewards will be released in our rewards pack after the deadline to log your points has passed. The pack is released in the beginning of March. You'll need to apply for rewards by the 25th March 2024.  For some experiences you will get the chance to complete an interview with employers and, if successful, be recruited onto an internship or other EP Rewards. 


Carry your points forward

Points you have not spent can be carried forward to the following academic year. If you are a finalist who is graduating this year you will need to use your points before you leave the University. 


Returning Students

If you are returning for the next academic year you can log experiences after the last deadline to earn more points. This means any summer work experience you complete can be logged to earn points! 

What is MyFolio and how do I set it up?

MyFolio is a way to keep track of your co-curricular experiences whilst at University. You can do this with a variety of University experiences as well as your EP Points. 

As a University of Kent Student, your Kent email address is already linked to MyFolio so you need to use this to sign in to your account. 

When you have signed in you will need to add EP Points to your account. This can be done in seconds by following the instructions below. 

Once you have linked EP Points to your My Folio account you can easily log your points in the Employability Points section. 

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