The Code of Practice for Taught Courses of Study was first approved by Senate on 20 June 2001.
There is a systematic process of review of the Codes of Practice. The date of the current version is shown on each published document.
While we review our Regulatory Framework due to the upcoming modifications for the academic year 2025/26, all of the below documents remain in force for the academic year 2024/25.
Code of Practice for Quality Assurance
Annex A: Requirements for Taught Courses
Annex B: Approval of Taught Courses, Suspensions and Withdrawals
Approval of Taught Courses, Suspensions and Withdrawals DOC
Appendix A: Collaborative Partnerships - TBA
Appendix B: New Course Proposal to the Business Case Committee DOC
Appendix C: Request to Reinstate Previously Suspended Course DOC
Appendix D: Undergraduate Course Specification Template DOC
Appendix E: Postgraduate Taught Course Specification Template DOC
Appendix F: Apprenticeship Course Specification Template DOC
Appendix G: External Adviser Comments Template - TBA
Cover Sheet for a Revised Course (Staff access only) Web page
New Course Request Pro forma (Staff access only) Web page
Revised Course Request Pro forma (Staff access only) Web page
Annex C: Approval of Modules, Suspension and Withdrawals
Approval of Modules, Suspensions and Withdrawals DOC
Appendix A: Module Specification Template DOC
Appendix B: Apprenticeship Module Specification Template - TBA
Cover Sheet for a New Module (Staff access only) Web page
Cover Sheet for a Revised Module (Staff access only) Web page
New Module Request Pro Forma (Staff access only) Web page
Revised Module Request Pro Forma (Staff access only) Web page
Annex D: Information to Students
Annex E: Continuous Monitoring
Annex F: Periodic Course Review
Annex G: Personal Academic Support System
Annex H: Divisional Structure for Education and UG Student Experience
Annex I: Divisional Structure for Graduate Studies and PG Student Experience
Annex J: Meetings of Boards of Examiners
Annex K: External Examiners and External Advisors for Taught Courses
Annex L: Quality Assurance Procedures for Courses of Study at Validated Institutions and Partner Colleges
Quality Assurance Procedures for Courses of Study at Validated Institutions and Partner Colleges Leading to University Awards DOC
Appendix A: Guidance on Procedures for Division Panels Convened to Consider New Validated Institution Courses of Study (Taught Courses) DOC
Template for Liaison Officer Report DOC
Annex M: Student Evaluation
Annex N: Student Engagement in Quality Assurance and Enhancement
Annex O: Development of New Partnerships
Approval and Quality Assurance Procedures for Collaborative Partnerships – Part 1 Development of New Partnerships DOC
Appendix A: Summary of Typology of Partnerships and Related Approval Processes DOC
Appendix B: Statement of Strategic Benefit DOC
Appendix C: Due Diligence Checklist DOC
Appendix Di: Academic Risk Assessment of Proposed Partnership DOC
Appendix Dii: Country Risk Assessment DOC
Appendix E: Authorised Signatories of Agreements Policy DOC
Appendix F: Letter of Intent DOC
Appendix G: Collaborative Partnerships Approval Process Flowchart DOC
Annex P: Quality Assurance and Operational Management of Collaborative Partnerships
Annex Q: Work-Based and Placement Learning
Annex R: Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) DOC
RPCL Recommendation Form (Form 1) DOC
Credit Transfer Form - Partner Institutions (Form 2) DOC
Portfolio Supervisor Form for RPEL (Form 3) DOC
RPL Protocol Template DOC
RPL: Guidance for Applicants/Students DOC
RPL: Guidance for Staff DOC
Example RPEL Portfolio DOC
Annex S: Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) and Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Subject Benchmark Statements
Annex T: Quality Assurance Policy for Higher and Degree Apprenticeships
Quality Assurance Policy for Higher and Degree Apprenticeships DOC
Appendix A: Terms and Reference and Membership of Apprenticeships Governance Committee DOC
Appendix B: Quality Assurance of Subcontracted Provision DOC
Appendix C: Terms of Reference of Progress Board DOC
Appendix D: Self-Assessment Procedure DOC