Please note that in order to access the External Examiner Report Submission System (EERSS), we ask that External Examiners set up MFA on their Kent IT account. You may also need to use an incognito window in your web browser when accessing the system.
If you are a recently appointed external examiner when you initially click on the EERSS link you will be asked to change your password for security purposes. You will need to remember your login and the new password you have created for future access to the portal.
Password tips:
Your new password should be 14 characters or more and include three of the following:
- a lowercase character
- an uppercase character
- a number
- an allowed symbol (! @ ~ $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - { } [ ] " ; ' < > ? , .)
Further Assistance
Please contact the Help Desk on 01227 824888 or email You will need to explain that you are an External Examiner and quote your Kent login and employment no.