Types of Academic Misconduct

Where academic misconduct is alleged to have occurred, the case will be referred for further investigation.

The Academic Marker will provide an indication to the Chair of the Academic Misconduct Committee on the type of offence they believe has occurred. In some cases an Academic Marker may identify more than one of the following categories. 

Examples of Academic Misconduct:

Reproducing in any work submitted for assessment or review (for example, examination answers, essays, project reports, presentations, dissertations or theses) or any material derived from work authored by another without clearly acknowledging the source. Presenting work copied directly from another student without their knowledge.

Reproducing without acknowledgement in any submitted work any material used by that student in other work for assessment, either at this University or elsewhere.

Presenting work for an assessment generated by artificial intelligence software, without acknowledging the source. The use of any type of generative artificial intelligence tools (such as text generating, image generating, translators) is not permitted in assessment unless explicitly specified by the module convenor. 

Conspiring with others to reproduce the work of others, including knowingly permitting work to be copied by another student. Collusion is distinct from contract cheating as it does not depend on a payment or payment in kind being made for the work. 

Where a student (or a number of students collectively) commissions a third party for services that result in the submission of work for assessment that is, either wholly or in part, not the student’s own work. The payment may be financial or involve payments in kind. Where no payment is made the alleged offence should be treated as the offences of plagiarism, collusion or impersonation, as appropriate and as set out above.

The falsification of data, evidence, quotations, citations or other information in any assessed work. 

Allowing an individual or individuals to impersonate the student in an examination or other assessment event/activity. 

The failure to obtain ethical approval where there is a requirement to do so. Carrying out research without appropriate permission. 

Including the use of unauthorised materials, mobile phones and other prohibited electronic devices, obtaining or offering improper assistance to another candidate. 

Seeking to gain an advantage regarding work submitted for assessment by offering an examiner or teacher any inducement to treat that work more favourably than the work itself merits.

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