Staff can help to inform and educate students on how to avoid breaches of academic integrity at both a course and modular level.
It's important to remind students of:
- Good academic practice, positive reasons for referencing and the positive impact this can have on grades.
- Academic integrity and students’ membership of the academic community.
- The importance of ensuring the academic value of their chosen degree.
Academic Integrity Activities:
- Explicitly include academic skills and referencing in assessment criteria.
- Include students in assessment design.
- Include Learner Agreements at the beginning of modules, or short Moodle quizzes that students must complete at the end of modules, to demonstrate their understanding of Academic Integrity.
- Encourage students to become involved in departmental discussions on plagiarism (for example, as a regular agenda item at Student Forums).
- Provide students with examples of good academic writing at a suitable level from your discipline. Stage 1 students in particular may benefit from these examples.
It's important to remind students of the University Regulations and the penalties they may incur if they breach Academic Integrity standards.
Students should be reminded of where to find this information in Annex 10 of the Credit Framework for Taught Courses of Study.
Students are encouraged to complete the online Moodle module Understanding & Avoiding Plagiarism (DP1025). Staff should ensure that students know how to access this module, and that they are reminded regularly of the benefits of academic skills training.