When a piece of work is flagged for an academic misconduct offence, the following regulations apply.
Annex 10 sets out the types of academic misconduct that can occur, the penalties that can be imposed, and the procedures that should be followed in order to ensure that academic misconduct cases are reviewed with fairness and consistency.
There are several steps in the process of reviewing allegations of academic misconduct. Annex 10 details both the informal and formal stages of a case;
- Referral - this is made by the academic member of staff marking a piece of work. The marker will refer the case to the Academic Misconduct Chair. The referral is an informal stage of investigation, where the Chair will make an initial assessment on how to proceed with the case. A case may be dismissed at this stage.
- Review by Chair - Once referred, the Chair will review the evidence and information submitted by the marker and decide how to proceed. The Chair can recommend either;
- that there is No Case to Answer. No further action will be taken in this instance.
- that a penalty should be imposed
- that an Academic Misconduct Committee meeting should be convened. A penalty will be agreed by all members of the Committee.
- Committee Hearing (if required) - students will be given time to prepare if an Academic Misconduct Committee Hearing is convened by the Chair. All students will be given the opportunity to submit written or verbal evidence for the Committee, and will be invited to attend their hearing.
- Outcome - once the Committee has held a hearing, the Chair and panel members will come to a decision. The Academic Misconduct Secretary will write to the student, informing them of the outcome.
Committee Roles
If a piece of academic work or exam submission is considered to be a serious or repeated breach of academic misconduct, a hearing of the Academic Misconduct Committee will be held. The Committee will consist of the following individuals:
- Academic Misconduct Committee Chair - the Chair will assess allegations of academic misconduct and either make a recommendation for penalty. In cases where a significant or serious case of academic misconduct has occurred, the Chair will convene a hearing with the other members of the Academic Misconduct Committee.
- Academic Committee Members - each Academic Misconduct Committee should consist of three academic members of the Division (including the Chair) and a Student Representative.
- Academic Misconduct Committee Secretary - each Committee will have a Secretary appointed from within the Division, who shall ensure that appropriate records are kept of all academic misconduct allegations and their outcomes.
All students have the right to appeal against the decision of Academic Misconduct Committees.
Students should consult the Academic Appeals website and Annex 13 of the Credit Framework for the full list of grounds upon which they can submit an appeal.